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Aphrodite trail among top 25 in European Public Space Awards

European prize honors Cyprus' Aphrodite trail for urban space


The Aphrodite trail in the community of Ineia, in Paphos district, has been selected among the 25 best projects for the 2024 European Prize for Urban Public Space, an announcement by the Interior Ministry says.

The project was implemented by the Paphos District Administration within the framework of the Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The project was chosen among a total of 297 entries from 30 countries, "confirming the high quality and innovation of the intervention in the urban public space."

The thematic trail, according to the announcement, is an excellent example of preserving and highlighting the cultural heritage of Cyprus, offering at the same time an upgraded public space for the community of Ineia.

The European Prize for Urban Public Space is awarded every two years, aiming to recognize and promote projects that create, recover and improve public spaces in European cities.

The Interior Ministry notes that the prize highlights the value of urban public space as an open and accessible space for all citizens, promoting social cohesion and the cultural identity of cities.

Cyprus  |  Paphos  |  EU

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