Cyprus and France conducted on Tuesday a joint Search and Rescue Exercise near the coast of Cyprus, with the participation of SAR Units and Personnel of the Republic and France.
The Ministry of Defence said the exercise “CYFRA-02/18” was conducted within the framework of cooperation between the two countries, aiming at handling Search and Rescue incidents or emergency situations within the island's exclusive economic zone and the Search and Rescue Region of the Republic of Cyprus.
The French Frigate Aquitaine, Cypriot patrol boat Ammochostos, and helicopters of the Cyprus Police took part in the Aeronautical SAR Exercise, under the operational control of the Joint Rescue Coordination Center (JRCC) Larnaca, in close cooperation with the French Navy.
The scenario dealt with a simulated maritime accident on a ship or platform, resulting in the immediate implementation of the Cyprus National SAR Plan to tackle the situation.
SAREX “CYFRA-02/18” is the second exercise this year conducted within the framework of cooperation between the JRCC Larnaca and the French Navy.