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Cyprus condemns escalation of violence in Gaza

The Republic of Cyprus says it supports two-state solution and negotiations on Jerusalem


The Republic of Cyprus expressed concern regarding what it described as “serious escalation” of the situation in Gaza, which resulted in dozens of deaths of Palestinians who were protesting the American embassy opening in Jerusalem.

“Further loss of life must be avoided and we call on all to demonstrate utmost restraint,” a Cyprus foreign ministry statement said on Monday.

Cyprus also reiterated its support for a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Cyprus, which did not attend the embassy opening, maintains the position that the final status of Jerusalem is to be determined through negotiations

“What the entire world is witnessing puts into even sharper focus the imperative need for the two sides to resume negotiations for a peaceful resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the framework of the two-state solution, which will be to the benefit of Palestinians and Israelis and will contribute significantly towards peace and security for the whole region,” the statement said.

Over 50 people were killed Monday in Gaza and over two thousands injured, as Palestinians were demonstrating against the US opening its embassy in Jerusalem.

US President Donald Trump said in a televised message during the ceremony that the move of the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem had been a “long time coming” and urged other countries to do the same.

"Israel is a sovereign nation with the right to determine its own capital but for many years we failed to acknowledge the obvious,” Trump said.

Israel invited 86 countries with diplomatic missions in the country to attend the embassy opening, and 32 countries confirmed attendance according to Aljazeera.

Cyprus, which did not attend the opening, maintains the position that the final status of Jerusalem is to be determined through negotiations.

Cyprus  |  Israel  |  Palestinian  |  Middle East  |  US  |  Tel Aviv  |  Jerusalem  |  holocaust  |  Jewish  |  Arab  |  embassy  |  Trump

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