In response to an orange warning for extremely high temperatures, the Department of Labor Inspection (tee) of the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance has mandated a halt to all outdoor heavy and moderate work between 12:00 and 16:00.
Employers and self-employed individuals are instructed to cease all outdoor heavy and moderate tasks, as well as the transportation and delivery operations utilising two-wheeled vehicles or personal mobility devices. These measures aim to safeguard workers from heat stress amid prevailing hot weather conditions.
To mitigate the impact of extreme heat, the tee advises adjusting work schedules, implementing frequent rest breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas, and providing workers with cool drinking water. Additionally, employers are encouraged to schedule strenuous tasks outside of peak heat hours and ensure workers are equipped with appropriate protective gear.
Moderate work activities include various construction tasks and transportation of light objects, while heavy work encompasses intensive manual labour and operations involving heavy machinery or materials.
By adhering to these guidelines, employers can prioritise the well-being of their workforce and minimise the risk of heat-related illnesses during periods of elevated temperatures.