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Government extends electricity subsidies amid high temperatures

President Christodoulides also announces progress on visa-free US travel and other key initiatives


Cyprus will extend electricity subsidies until the end of October to help citizens cope with the high summer temperatures, President Nicos Christodoulides announced after a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

"Responsible fiscal policy allows us to have a targeted social policy," Christodoulides said, noting that the extension of the electricity subsidy and other measures are made possible by continuous upgrades to the Cypriot economy.

In addition to addressing the electricity subsidies, Christodoulides provided updates on several other significant initiatives. The President revealed that Cyprus is in the final stages of securing visa-free entry to the United States for its citizens. "We are at the final stage regarding the issue of visas for entry to the US," he stated, urging Cabinet members to work diligently towards achieving this goal.

Christodoulides welcomed new Cabinet member Nicolas Ioannidis and highlighted the importance of a unified approach to addressing migration issues, which involve multiple ministries. "An approach that delivers results is important and is also recognized by Cypriot society," he said.

The President also underscored the importance of the Strategic Dialogue Agreement between Cyprus and the United States, which encompasses various sectors such as energy, security, trade, investment, research, technology, and culture. He called for cooperation across ministries to ensure the successful implementation of this agreement.

Furthermore, Christodoulides addressed support measures for communities affected by recent fires, particularly in Paphos, Ipsona, and Farmakas. He emphasized the need to provide immediate financial aid to those in need, especially for irrigation and other essential purposes. "We promised to respond, and it is crucial that we make the payments promptly," he asserted.

Finally, the President highlighted the upcoming special Cabinet meeting focused on Cyprus' preparations for its Presidency of the European Council of the EU. He expressed confidence in Cyprus' ability to have a successful Presidency, citing the country's 20 years of experience in the EU and the recognition it has received.

"We are at an advanced stage, but it is a strategic goal of our Government to have a successful Presidency. Our experience and recognition are assets that will enable us to achieve this, but we need to prepare now," Christodoulides concluded.

Cyprus  |  politics  |  economy  |  consumer

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