The Holy Synod of the Church of Cyprus convened for an emergency meeting on Tuesday during which it was briefed by members of the government’s coronavirus expert task force on the coronavirus pandemic, with the Holy Synod concluding that it will support the vaccination of the public but refused to accept that the virus can be transmitted through the holy communion ritual.
In a press release issued by the Holy Synod following the meeting, it said that it was briefed by several members of the government’s health advisory committee on the coronavirus pandemic, from which it said “humanity as a whole is suffering.”
The Holy Synod said that “the virus, regardless from the place or method of its arrival, was allowed by God…for pedagogical reasons,” noting that it has allowed us to “restrict our selfishness and acknowledge our limits,” but it has also motivated people to reconnect with God.
The Holy Synod stood firm on its position regarding Holy Communion, stating that “the body and blood of Christ cannot transmit any malady"
The Holy Synod called on the public to abide by the rules laid down by the state and the health services, which it recognised as being “for the protection of all.”
But the Holy Synod stood firm on its position regarding Holy Communion, stating that “the body and blood of Christ cannot transmit any malady. Proof of this is the age-old existence and practice of the Church. It will continue to offer [Holy Communion] in the traditional way, and will abide with all decrees of the health authorities regarding social distancing and personal protection measures.”
On the issue of a coronavirus vaccine, the Holy Synod said that “without overlooking the reservations of some as regards the composition and effect of certain vaccines being developed by large pharmaceutical companies, but also without accepting conspiracy theories unfolding around the matter, and after listening to expert scientists, it decided that it will recommend to the faithful to get vaccinated since the specific vaccine is approved by the state’s health services.”
The Holy Synod stressed that no one will be forced to get vaccinated, but those who do must not burden their conscience with baseless and anti-scientific ideas.