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Journalist who filmed Navalny's last video, now in police custody

Favorskaya linked to Navalny's 'Extremist Organization' detained


In a troubling development for press freedom in Russia, Antonina Favorskaya, a journalist renowned for her coverage of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, has been detained by authorities.

According to a report on The Guardian, Favorskaya, who famously captured Navalny's final video before his untimely death, has long been at the forefront of reporting on Navalny's trials and activism.

The arrest, which occurred late Wednesday, came with accusations of affiliation with what Russian authorities termed an "extremist organization" linked to Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation. However, Navalny's spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, vehemently refuted these claims, asserting that Favorskaya was merely fulfilling her journalistic duties.

This arrest is part of a broader crackdown on dissenting voices within Russia, with several journalists finding themselves targeted by authorities. Alongside Favorskaya, other reporters, including Alexandra Astakhova, Anastasia Musatova, Ekaterina Anikievich, and Konstantin Yarov, have faced harassment and detention.

Reports indicate that Yarov was subjected to physical abuse while in custody, highlighting the alarming escalation in tactics employed against journalists. Furthermore, the detention of Olga Komleva, a reporter from Ufa, underscores the systematic targeting of those associated with Navalny and his organization.

Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation's designation as an extremist organization by Russian authorities has raised concerns about the safety and freedom of individuals connected to it. The situation underscores the precarious state of journalistic freedom in Russia and the challenges faced by reporters striving to uphold transparency and accountability in the face of increasing repression.

[With information sourced from The Guardian]

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