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Julian Assange set to testify before the Council of Europe

Assange’s upcoming appearance highlights concerns over his detention and the broader implications for human rights and press freedom


Julian Assange will testify before the Council of Europe on October 1, a key moment in his ongoing fight for justice. The founder of WikiLeaks will speak to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights at the Palace of Europe, with the session set to take place from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.

This hearing comes after a recent report from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which confirmed that Assange is a political prisoner. The report looks at the impact of his detention and how it affects human rights, especially freedom of the press. It urges the UK government to conduct an independent review to see if Assange has been treated inhumanely.

Thórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir, the report's author and chair of a PACE sub-committee, highlights that Assange's situation is a high-profile example of how governments suppress dissent across borders. The report discusses how some governments use both legal and illegal means to silence voices, which threatens press freedom and human rights.

Assange, who is still recovering after being released from prison in June 2024, will attend the session in person to show appreciation for the support he has received from PACE over the years. The assembly has repeatedly called for his release while he was in prison.

During the hearing, Assange is expected to share that his imprisonment was politically motivated, marking his first official testimony on his case since he was jailed in 2019. His appearance before this important European body highlights the broader implications of his situation for human rights and freedom of expression.


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