Since the end of October, there has been a lack of action from the Ministry of Agriculture regarding the halloumi issue, despite assurances given during a parliamentary meeting.
Marios Rialas, the representative of the Coordinating Committee of Sheep and Goat Breeders, mentioned that they are eagerly awaiting information from the Ministry about the upcoming meeting to address the quota matter and the results of checks on the adherence to the 19% sheep and goat milk quota.
The Ministry, as per earlier information, collected samples from 10 major cheese dairies for laboratory testing, but results are yet to be disclosed.
It's worth noting that, based on the latest decree from the Minister of Commerce on October 20, 19% of the product must be sheep's and goat's milk.
The Cheese Makers' Association has contested this decree in court, leading to its suspension following a recent hearing.
The stakeholders express concern over the Ministry's lack of follow-up or initiation of a new meeting on the matter.
The Association of Goat and Sheep Farmers is drafting a letter to be sent to both the responsible Minister and the Agriculture Committee of the Parliament, urging inspections to be conducted and consultations to resume.
Recalling the previous mobilization by the Minister of Agriculture, it occurred after the announcement of a planned protest event by the association outside the Presidential Palace, which was eventually postponed due to ongoing consultations, the introduction of a new decree on the quota, and the initiation of controls to ensure its implementation.
[This article was translated from its Greek original]