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Most Nicosians say their town is clean

Eurostat surveys 109 cities to find out what people think about their cleanliness


A Eurostat survey shows that the majority of residents in Nicosia believe their city is clean, with the results being very subjective and ranging from 9 to 95 percent for 109 different cities.

Ventspils in Latvia came on top with virtually all (99%) of its inhabitants responding that they were very or rather satisfied with the cleanliness of their city. Ventspils was followed by another Latvian city Valmiera (97%), Oviedo in Spain and the city of Luxembourg (both 95%).

Nicosians did not agree as to how clean was their capital at the time of the survey in 2015. About 63% of people in Nicosia gave their capital cleanliness a thumbs up, while 37% thought the opposite and gave it a thumbs down.

About 63% of people in Nicosia gave their capital cleanliness a thumbs up, while 37% thought the opposite and gave it a thumbs down

The question posed to survey participants in 2015 was the following:

“Generally speaking, please tell me if you are very satisfied, rather satisfied, rather unsatisfied or not at all satisfied with cleanliness of your city?"

Athenians also did not reach consensus, with most of them, 59% showing displeasure with the birth place of democracy and only 41% believing Athens was a clean city.

The information for this news item is based on perception survey indicators produced by the European Commission.

Residents of Luxembourg and Vienna are the most satisfied among EU capitals.

But between EU capital cities, the results show significant disparities of satisfaction, with levels ranging from 9% to 95%.

At least 80% of inhabitants were very or rather satisfied with the cleanliness of their city in Luxembourg (95%), Vienna (90%), Ljubljana (88%), Riga (81%) and Helsinki (80%).

In contrast, only 9% of inhabitants in Rome found their city clean enough. Less than half of the population was satisfied with cleanliness of their city also in Bratislava (28%), Sofia (29%), Bucharest (37%), Madrid (38%), Budapest (39%), Athens (41%), Berlin (45%), Brussels (47%) and Paris (49%).

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