Officials issued another yellow warning Thursday due to extreme heat, with maximum highs reaching 41 degrees inland and humidity on the rise all around the coast.
Weather officials issued a weather alert effective from Thursday morning at 11am until late afternoon at 5pm, saying “extreme high temperature” is expected to reach 41 degrees Celsius inland. The warning comes after similar alerts going into effect earlier this week.
Humidity on the rise
The heat index, which combines air temperature and relative humidity to form human-perceived weather, is also on the rise, with very high humidity on the east coast, high levels in all other coastal regions, and mid to high around the capital.
A low pressure system continues to affect Cyprus, with Thursday skies mostly clear after a clearing of foggy skies in the morning. Increasing afternoon clouds are then expected over local areas mainly in the mountains.
The heat index is also on the rise with very high humidity in the east and high levels in all other coastal regions
Maximum highs are expected to reach 41° Celsius inland, around 35 in the south and eastern shores, while it will be 33 in all other coastal regions and in the mountains.
Evening weather is expected to remain mostly clear, with fog forming over local areas in the north and out west. Thin fog and low clouds are also expected over local areas in the early morning hours.
Minimum lows will drop to 25 degrees inland, in the south and along the eastern coast, around 24 in the north and out west, while it will be around 19 in the mountains.
Friday will be mostly clear with afternoon clouds appearing on and off over the mountains. Temperatures are expected to drop by Saturday and remain through Sunday close to normal averages for this time of the year. Clear weather is expected throughout most of the weekend.