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Old rivalries continue in eastern Mediterranean

Athens accuses Ankara of being a ‘troublemaker’ as Erdogan looks back at history


Greece has issued a competing navigational telex after Turkey extended seismic surveys in the eastern Mediterranean, with no signs between the two NATO allies of burying the hatchet over old rivalries that continue to this day.

The Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service published a warning to mariners hours after Turkey sought to extend the exploratory activities of its Oruc Reis seismic survey ship for a third time through September 12.

'It is absolutely not a coincidence that those who seek to exclude us from the eastern Mediterranean are the same invaders as the ones who attempted to invade our homeland a century ago'

“Turkey continues to faithfully live up to its role as a troublemaker and an element of instability in the region,” the Greek Foreign Ministry said in an announcement shortly after midnight on Tuesday.

Turkish and Greek forces have been conducting military exercises in the seas between Cyprus and the Greek island of Crete, with tensions remaining high over maritime zone disputes.

Dogfights during "Allied Sky" operation

Last week, dogfights between Greek and Turkish fighter jets were also reported in local media during a NATO flyover under the operation “Allied Sky” aimed at demonstrating solidarity within the alliance.

Turkey says Greece and others, including the Republic of Cyprus, are denying its rights to explore for energy resources in the Mediterranean.

But Greece insists it has international law on its side, saying Athens will continue to draw up agreements with any country in the region.

“Greece will not be blackmailed. Relying exclusively on international law, the Law of the Sea and the rules of good neighborly relations, it will continue to seek maritime zone delimitation agreements with every country in the region,” the Greek ministry said.

Erdogan criticizes Greece as Turkey marks 1922 victory

On Sunday, Turkey marked the 98th anniversary of the decisive War of Independence battle against Greek forces in 1922, with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan saying “Turkey’s struggle for independence and future continues today as well.”

“It is absolutely not a coincidence that those who seek to exclude us from the eastern Mediterranean are the same invaders as the ones who attempted to invade our homeland a century ago,” Erdogan said.

Cyprus  |  Greece  |  Turkey

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