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Samaras warns of Cyprus partition and calls for justice in emotional speech

Former Greek Prime Minister condemns potential solutions that legitimize the Turkish invasion, urging fair and sustainable agreements to prevent future crises


Former Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, speaking at a "Woman of the Year" event in Cyprus, delivered a powerful message on the Cyprus problem. Samaras expressed his unwavering support for Cyprus and strongly criticized any proposed solutions that could lead to the island's division or further Turkish control.

Samaras emphasized Greece's responsibility as a "Motherland" and guarantor power, vowing to stand by Cyprus and opposing solutions that he described as "unjust and destructive," referring to ongoing diplomatic discussions that could disguise a partition of the island. He warned that "calm waters," which accept the status quo, could lead to future crises, insisting that any agreement must be fair and sustainable. Otherwise, he warned, “it will simply be the fuse for the next crisis."

"By saving our Cyprus, we save our Greece." -Antonis Samaras

He called for Cyprus to remain indivisible and for all refugees to return to their homes, highlighting that the entire Republic of Cyprus joined the European Union, with Protocol 10 suspending the application of EU laws in the northern part due to occupation. Samaras condemned any efforts to legitimize the invasion's consequences, comparing such moves to the failed Annan Plan, stating, "Legitimizing the invasion's fait accompli through the back door is not a solution. It is complete submission."

Samaras also linked Cyprus’ fate to Greece’s, asserting that the dissolution of Cyprus could lead to the disintegration of the Aegean and the shrinking of Greece. In a poignant closing, he declared, "By saving our Cyprus, we save our Greece."

He also took time to honor the Cypriot women, recognizing their resilience and the sacrifices they made during the ongoing division of the island. He spoke about their enduring grief and pride, noting that these women continue to represent the spirit of freedom for all Greeks. The event’s award was symbolically presented to Philippa Karseras-Christodoulides, wife of Cyprus’ President, as a tribute to all Cypriot women.


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