In a weather shift today, clearing local fog and low clouds will lead to predominantly sunny conditions in several areas. Later, increasing clouds may bring isolated showers, especially in mountainous and western regions. Stay prepared for occasional dust in the atmosphere.
Winds will be mainly northeast to east, light to moderate, locally reaching strong levels. Sea conditions will become turbulent. Temperatures ranging around 19°C inland, 20°C on the coast, and 10°C in higher elevations.
Tonight, sporadic clouds could bring scattered showers or even thunderstorms, primarily on the eastern coasts. Winds shifting to northwest to north, light to moderate at 3-4 Beaufort, occasionally becoming strong at 4-5 Beaufort in southeastern coasts.
The sea will remain turbulent. Temperatures dropping to around 9°C inland and in the north, 14°C on the eastern coasts, 12°C on other coasts, and 3°C in higher elevations.
Tuesday will predominantly be sunny, with local increased clouds in the afternoon, potentially leading to isolated showers in southern coastal areas. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons might see increased clouds resulting in scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms, especially in the mountains and inland on Wednesday, and scattered showers mainly in the west and north on Thursday.
Temperature-wise, no significant changes are expected on Tuesday, while a gradual small drop is anticipated until Thursday, settling close to average climatic values.
[Information sourced from Cyprus Met Service]