A strategic and highly coordinated aeronautical exercise between Cyprus and the United States took place on Monday, featuring intricate tactical movements, advanced maneuvers, and technical gymnastics. Helicopter collaboration and Search and Rescue operations were seamlessly integrated into the exercise, which showcased the close cooperation between the two nations.
In a statement issued by the General Staff, it was revealed that the international aeronautical exercise titled "CYP/USA - 03/2023" was held as part of the US Destroyer (A/T) USS RAMAGE (DDG-61) presence in the maritime vicinity of Cyprus. The Naval Command (NOC) spearheaded the exercise with active involvement from the US Navy.
Coordinated by the ICN (Integrated Control Node) in partnership with the US Navy, the exercise featured multiple units, including the ICN's PIG ALASIA (A-620), the Air Force Command (AF) AW-139, and the US destroyer itself.
According to the statement, the exercise encompassed a wide range of maneuvers, including tactical and advanced movements, technical gymnastics, and Search and Rescue simulations. The highlight of the exercise was a ceremonial salute crossing conducted between the two participating ships.
Emphasizing the significance of this exercise, the statement underscored its role in fostering international cooperation within the framework of the National Guard's collaboration network. This partnership provided the personnel of both Cyprus and the US Navy with the opportunity for mutual training, ultimately enhancing their operational capabilities. Furthermore, the exercise served to reinforce the strong diplomatic ties between the two nations and underscored the continuous enhancement of military cooperation between their respective armed forces.