12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 901-930 of 1453 matches for query Emergency.

901. Elderly man dies after drowning incident

An elderly swimmer died in an apparent drowning incident in Limassol after lifeguards found him unconscious in the water near a local hotel...

902. Biker dies after car cuts him off

A local biker from Limassol was killed in a road accident on Monday after he crashed into a vehicle that crossed the road and blocked his way...

903. Cyprus enters second phase of GESY

After a long a protracted internal battle in the Republic of Cyprus, the implementation of the second and final phase of the country’s first and only General Health System begins on Monday...

904. Man attacked by gang in Limassol

A man was sent to the Emergency Room after an attack in Limassol on Sunday, with police arresting two of his friends and searching for seven other suspects...

905. Man jailed for stabbing elderly neighbour

A local man was sentenced to eight years in prison for stabbing an elderly man who was in his own backyard at his Larnaca residence...

906. 42 private hospitals join phase two of Gesy

The full rollout of the island’s universal healthcare system (Gesy) on Monday will take place with the participation of 42 private hospitals, with the Health Insurance Organization on Friday expressing its content after two large Nicosia hospitals, the Apollonion and Aretaeio, agreed to participate....

907. Mouth-to-mouth by lifeguards prohibited

With the island’s coronavirus outbreak still ongoing, lifeguards will only be able to deliver CPR, but not mouth-to-mouth resuscitation....

908. Local biker killed in Limassol accident

A biker was brutally killed in a road accident in Limassol on Sunday with reports saying he lost control of his motorcycle and landed into an empty field...

909. House passes bills mitigating pandemic repercussions

The House on Friday approved a wide array of bills, passing into law a wide array of bills seeking to keep Cyprus afloat as it is making its way through the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic....

910. Nicosia police trying to solve nasty street fight

Two suspects have been released while three others remain in custody in connection with last weekend’s brawl in Kaimakli, when police officers were called to break off a fight...

911. Driver killed in Larnaca weekend accident

A Larnaca resident was killed in a road accident over the weekend after the car he was driving went off the highway in Larnaca district...

912. Medical supplies arrive after eventful flight

Another huge load of medical supplies from China was delivered to the Republic of Cyprus on Wednesday, after an “adventurous” flight on a Russian aircraft that did not have enough fuel to make it in one go...

913. Men on ship electrocuted to death in the north

Two foreign workers in the north were electrocuted to death on Wednesday while carrying out cleaning work on an anchored ship outside Famagusta port...

914. EU pushes to unlock borders as coronavirus ravages travel

915. Athens to undergo radical facelift

After the ambitious vision of creating a large traffic-free zone in Athens more or less fizzled out at the end of the previous decade, the Athens Municipal Council breathed new life into the project on Monday after approving a proposal for an extended pedestrian network and a drastic reduction of cars in the city center....

916. Elderly woman injured while picking capers

An elderly woman who went out to collect wild capers in Paphos ended up in the hospital after falling from a height of three metres...

917. Need for transparency on COVID-19 public spending

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary Assmebly’s (OSCE PA) Special Representative on Fighting Corruption Irene Charalambides, has called for the highest levels of transparency and good governance on COVID-19 related public expenditures....

918. Local man dies in Dali road accident

A local man was killed and his spouse seriously injured in a road accident on Thursday, when the couple was struck by a pickup truck south of Nicosia...

919. UNFICYP ready to facilitate discussions for easing of restrictions at checkpoints

UNFICYP said Thursday it stands ready to “facilitate and support” disscussions between the two sides of the divided island once efforts begin for the easing of restrictions at crossing points....

920. Migrant camp near boiling point

Police said three people were arrested at Pournara migrant centre during a protest on Wednesday, one day after a hunger strike, as camp residents demand better living conditions and the right to leave camp...

921. Young man stabbed to death by housemate

A young man living in rural Nicosia turned himself in to police after stabbing his roommate to death during a fight...

922. 3,000 to be repatriated to Cyprus in May

Cyprus is receiving around 200-300 returnees from abroad on a daily basis, Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos said on Monday, noting that May is expected to see the repatriation of some 3,000 in total....

923. Two youths arrested over soccer incident

Two young men were arrested on Wednesday in Limassol after police attempted to break up a futsal game, with the suspects being accused of physically and verbally assaulting the officers...

924. Conditions at migrant camps improving, but arbitrary detention issues remain

The UNHCR office in Cyprus said on Monday that it was pleased with the steps being taken to improve the living conditions of asylum seekers on the island, but expressed hope that additional measures will follow to tackle the multifaceted issues that emerged amid the coronavirus outbreak....

925. Weekend violations spike as curve flattens

Police reported 125 pedestrians and motorists in the last 12 hours as part of the campaign to combat the spread of the COVID-19 disease, amid news of a gradual lift of restrictive measures...

926. Report draws attention to migrant centres

A report published this week by Ombudswoman Maria Stylianou-Lottides takes stock of current conditions in migrant facilities in the Republic of Cyprus, pointing out medical challenges, problems associated with weather, and asylum issues...

927. Full rollout of General Health System to be delayed three months

With state hospitals busy wrestling with the island’s coronavirus outbreak, the full rollout of the General Health System, initially planned for June, won’t be taking place until September....

928. Nicosia youth who lost fingers speaks out

A teenager, who blew off three of his fingers after a firework tube exploded in his hand, took to social media to warn his peers against the use of illegal pyrotechnics...

929. EU unveils virus exit roadmap, hoping to avoid more chaos

The European Union moved Wednesday to head off a chaotic and potentially disastrous easing of restrictions that are limiting the spread of the coronavirus, warning its 27 nations to move very cautiously as they return to normal life and base their actions on scientific advice....

930. Police break up soccer match downtown

Four males from Cameroon were arrested on Tuesday in old Nicosia after police attempted to break up a soccer match, while two detainees were also accused of assaulting an officer and resisting arrest...