12° Nicosia,
22 September, 2024


Displaying results 1411-1440 of 1453 matches for query charges.

1411. Cyprus doctors in custody following school boy’s death

Two state doctors in Larnaca are in custody following the death of a 10-year-old boy who sustained a head injury during gym class, with his mother blaming ER medics for being incompetent in diagnosing an internal head trauma promptly...

1412. Strovolos double murder suspects to enter plea June 13

The arraignment of the four suspects in the Strovolos double murder was set for June 13 during Friday’s hearing, where one of the defence lawyers raised questions over the conduct of police investigators with his client...

1413. Truck driver faces criminal charges over Kifissou crash

A 64-year-old truck driver was on Thursday to answer to criminal charges of manslaughter through neglect after a crash he caused in Athens in the early hours of Wednesday, while under the influence of alcohol, resulted in the death of two motorists....

1414. Suspect admits firing shots against cops

Police are hoping that shooting suspect Elias Mouzos, who was arrested Tuesday and confessed to firing his gun at officers, could help investigators solve older cases involving the criminal underworld...

1415. Cyprus, Greece, Israel recommit to a way forward

President Nicos Anastasiades says a ‘code of conduct’ has been established between Cyprus, Greece, and Israel, following the completion of a trilateral meeting in Nicosia that yielded a long declaration and paved the way for another meeting before the year is out to discuss an ambitious EastMed pipeline...

1416. Police shooting suspect caught in Limassol

Police shooting suspect Elias Mouzos was arrested Tuesday in a Limassol village, after being on the run since Saturday when he was believed to have fire shots against two police officers...

1417. Nine arrests in Lesvos after clashes during Tsipras' visit

Police on Lesvos made nine arrests following clashes between local residents and police on Thursday evening during Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s visit to the eastern Aegean island, the Athens-Macedonian News Agency reported on Friday, adding that several more suspects were being sought....

1418. Police chief says Strovolos murders to be solved soon

The chief of police says the investigation in the Strovolos double murder is getting closer to the end, with investigators waiting to see if any evidence would link directly any of the four suspects to the murders besides their testimonies against each other...

1419. Plaintiffs move to block appeal in Astrasol pollution case

The Astrasol case is not over, as plaintiffs are scrambling to block an appeal that challenges a court ruling last year that found defendants were responsible for causing a cancer cluster in a Nicosia residential area...

1420. Bill Cosby once beloved 'America's Dad' convicted of sexual assault

Comedian Bill Cosby was convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting a onetime friend in 2004, marking the first such conviction of a celebrity since the #MeToo movement that has brought down rich and powerful men for their treatment of women...

1421. Full story yet to be known in Strovolos double murder

The court appearance of the 33-year-old suspect in the Strovolos double murder has raised many questions, while investigators continue to sort through evidence in what is described as an unprecedented case with a contaminated crime scene and media speculation...

1422. Court hears shocking revelations in Strovolos double murder

There were shocking revelations in the Strovolos double murder on Thursday, with a main suspect in court saying there was an old plan to rob the home with help on the inside and that he is willing to name names and talk about motives....

1423. Three EU students in court for entering fenced-off Varosha

Three international students, who were arrested in the ghost town of Varosha went before a judge on Tuesday to answer to charges including trespassing in a military zone...

1424. Motive behind Waffle House shooting eludes Nashville police

The gunman, who began shooting outside the restaurant and then moved inside, aborted his attack and fled when a customer wrestled the rifle from him...

1425. Rotties attack two women in Paphos

A 39-year-old man is in police custody in Paphos following a dog attack by two Rottweilers, sending two female victims to the Emergency Room....

1426. Church defrocks priest convicted of sexual assault

The Holy Synod decided unanimously on Wednesday to defrock the priest who was convicted in 2015 for sexually assaulting Elena Frantzi, the 29-year-old woman whose recent death shocked the public and left church and state scramble for answers....

1427. Five arrested in Paphos illegal work bust

Police raided a business establishment in Paphos Tuesday, arresting five individuals and issuing fines on the spot during an operation to combat illegal employment....

1428. Bail reversed for Cypriot brothers in Fiji

Two Cypriot brothers remain in custody in Fiji on charges of money laundering, after a high court reversed a previous bail ruling, citing the seriousness of their alleged crimes and possible long sentences. ...

1429. Father gets 10 years for killing son

A 73-year-old man who fatally shot his own son in 2015 was sentenced to 10 years on Wednesday, after he was found guilty of manslaughter charges....

1430. South Africa's Zuma appears in court on corruption charges

Thousands of Zuma supporters gathered to express solidarity with a leader they say is the victim of a politically motivated witchhunt...

1431. Greek Cypriot man murdered in the north

Solon Apostolides, whose body was found Thursday evening in the north, received blows to the head and sustained knife injuries according to officials who also rule out politics behind the murder....

1432. New information about Elena emerges

New information has emerged about Elena Frantzi, whose recent death shocked Cypriot society, just one day after her family warned it may take legal action against anyone who spreads misinformation or violates the privacy of their departed loved one....

1433. Fate of missing Greek Cypriot man still unknown

The fate of Greek Cypriot Solon Apostolides is still unknown, despite reports earlier saying his body had been found in Kyrenia. Foul play has not been ruled out at this stage....

1434. Elena’s family calls for privacy

The family of Elena Frantzi, whose recent death shocked Cypriot society, is warning it may take legal action against anyone who spreads misinformation about their loved one....

1435. China retaliates for US tariffs, slaps duties on soybeans, planes, autos

The scale of China’s tariff targets was in line with Beijing’s pledge to mount a commensurate response...

1436. Seven arrested in illegal work crackdown

Police raided a hotel in Protaras on Easter Monday, arresting seven individuals during an operation to combat illegal employment....

1437. Commissioner says State has failed Elena

The commissioner issued a statement on Thursday saying the state has failed to protect Elena, while also calling on officials to work harder in order to improve and modernise the Social Welfare Services....

1438. Authorities scramble after Elena's death

The death of 29-year-old Elena Frantzi has distressed Cyprus society, with authorities and the media scrambling to respond to public outrage over her stepfather priest who went to prison for sexually molesting her. ...

1439. Turkish reports say Greek soldiers could face up to five years

There is concrete evidence to support charges against the two Greek soldiers detained in Turkey after crossing the border earlier this month, Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency said Tuesday citing an unnamed judicial source....

1440. Israeli police question Netanyahu in telecom corruption case

Netanyahu has denied any wrongdoing and says he is the victim of a witch hunt...