12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 61-90 of 140 matches for query crossings.

61. FRONTEX: 57,800 illegal migrants have been detected at EU external borders

The number of illegal migrants detected at the EU borders by the standing corps officers of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) has spiked up in the four first months of 2022, compared to the same period last year....

62. Russia loses troops and equipment in failed river crossing

Russia lost significant numbers of troops and important equipment when Ukrainian forces thwarted their attempt to cross a river in the east, British officials said Friday, another sign of Moscow’s struggle to win decisive victories and salvage a war gone awry....

63. Conspicuous driver busted for drugs at checkpoint

A man was arrested Monday at the Agios Dometios checkpoint after Greek Cypriot customs officers found drugs in his car, with the incident taking place just days after Turkish Cypriots accused the south of ramping up checks to deter shopping in the north...

64. US urges Canada to use federal powers to end bridge blockade

The Biden administration urged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government Thursday to use its federal powers to end the truck blockade by Canadians protesting the country’s COVID-19 restrictions, as the bumper-to-bumper demonstration forced auto plants on both sides of the border to shut down or scale back production....

65. In exodus from Lebanon, the well-off find new home in Cyprus

Many well-off Lebanese who escaped their country’s economic tailspin for a new life in the nearby island nation of Cyprus say the transition has been a whirlwind of emotions....

66. Cyprus makes progress in fight against terrorist financing

Cyprus has continued to make progress in strengthening banking efforts to combat terrorist financing, according to the State Department's report on terrorism for 2020. ...

67. Vaccinated will need rapid test at checkpoints

Vaccinated persons crossing north and south through checkpoints in Cyprus will be required to show a negative rapid test result, following a decision by a bicommunal committee that cited worsening pandemic conditions on the island...

68. Dozens of migrants pushed their way into Poland from Belarus

Two large groups of immigrants crossed the border into Belarus and entered the territory of Poland, the Polish news agency PAP reported late last night....

69. North calls on Greek Cypriots to cooperate on migration

Turkish Cypriots say the north is in favour of working together with the south on the challenge of irregular migration, calling on Greek Cypriots to address the issue jointly in a 'spirit of cooperation' at a time when Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has been ramping up his rhetoric on drastic measures...

70. Cyprus airs migration grievances at divided Europe

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris wants strong EU awareness on external borders to be shown in Cyprus as well, in remarks he made near the buffer zone on Sunday, just two days after the European Commission president signaled there would be no funding for barbed wire and walls...

71. No restrictions for fully vaccinated travelers to the US

Travel restrictions for fully vaccinated foreign nationals traveling to the US via air or land will be lifted effective November 8, a White House official is expected to announce today....

72. Cyprus puts foot down on migration talks

The Republic of Cyprus is adding pressure on a pending agreement over an EU migration pact, with three proposals backed by MED5 countries aimed at airing their grievances against the bloc, a union that is going through a power struggle...

73. Israel stays firm on Iran behind plot in Cyprus

Businessman Teddy Sagi says Cypriot police never warned him to leave, with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett insisting a thwarted alleged assassination plot was a much larger effort by Iran to kill Israelis in Cyprus and his defense minister backing the claim alluding to intelligence sources...

74. Cyprus reopens checkpoints in buffer zone

Barricades in downtown Nicosia’s checkpoint were removed Friday as Cyprus’ two communities north and south agreed to ease movement restrictions imposed during the COVID pandemic...

75. Checkpoints to open with no deal on vaccinated

The two communities on divided Cyprus have confirmed their agreement on a 3-level system that would allow people to go through checkpoints, but details remain unclear on whether those who are vaccinated can still cross if epidemiological conditions worsen...

76. Bicommunal health committee working on reopening of crossings

Authorities in the north have instructed the bicommunal technical committee on health to draw up a road map for the restoration of crossings to pre-pandemic conditions as soon as the epidemiological situation allows....

77. Minister points finger at north over barbwire

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has fired back at critics in the north over the south’s decision to install barbwire near the UN buffer zone to halt illegal crossings, blaming the need for a fence on lack of action on the part of Turkish Cypriot authorities...

78. Pedestrian killed in dangerous road accident

A man walking with his mother along a rural coastal road in Paphos district was killed after he was struck by a vehicle, with local representatives issuing urgent calls to expedite the construction of safety features in the area including a sidewalk...

79. North changes rules for crossings

Experts monitoring the coronavirus pandemic in the north issued new rules for people wishing to cross from the south after positive cases were detected among Greek Cypriots in the Karpas peninsula....

80. Greece finalizes plan to build wall on border with Turkey

Greece's government says it has finalized plans to extend a wall along its northeast border with Turkey, over concerns that migrants may try to stage mass crossings into the European Union country....

81. Justice minister determined to tackle poor driving culture

Justice minister Emily Yioliti met on Friday with the chief of police Stelios Papatheodorou to discuss ways of curbing road accidents, from which 23 people lost their lives just this year, and which are widely accepted to be caused by an broader lack of conscientiousness in the island’s driving culture....

82. Health minister: Virus-infected migrants may be crossing into south

Asylum-seekers infected with coronavirus could be seeping through the porous Cyprus cease-fire line, the country’s health minister warned Sunday....

83. Tseriou Avenue revamp plans picking up speed

84. Greece to open seven border crossings with Balkan countries, Turkey

Greece will reopen seven of its 14 border crossings in the north on Wednesday, as part of the country’s further reopening to tourists from abroad....

85. Cyprus residents flock to checkpoints as north matches decision of Republic

Residents of both sides of the island flocked to cross through checkpoints on Monday, after the administration in the north agreed in an emergency meeting late on Sunday to match the Republic’s decision to open checkpoints to Cyprus nationals and legal residents of the island....

86. Both sides of Cyprus not making the resumption of crossings easy

The Turkish Cypriot administration on Sunday appeared to be sticking to allowing just Greek Cypriot enclaved and Maronites living in the north to cross through checkpoints, despite a decision taken Friday by the Republic of Cyprus to allow all groups of Cyprus nationals and legal residents of the island to cross through from Sunday....

87. Locals to be able to cross through checkpoints from Sunday

Cyprus nationals and legal residents of the island will be able to cross through all checkpoints barring that on Ledra Street as of Sunday, but will need to present proof of a negative coronavirus test conducted up to 72 hours prior to crossing....

88. Ozersay: daily crossing of T/C workers as of June 22

The daily movement through checkpoints of Turkish Cypriots living in the north but working in the Republic can begin as of June 22, when the safety of the Republic’s move to reopen airports will be made clear, Kudret Ozersay, in charge of foreign affairs in the north, said Thursday....

89. UN calls on Turkish Cypriot side to clarify checkpoints situation

The United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) on Wednesday expressed concern over the “ongoing disruption” faced by residents of both sides of the island as a result of checkpoints remaining only partially open for specific groups....

90. Checkpoints partially resume operation after three months

The first group of Turkish Cypriots passed through the Ayios Dometios and Strovilia checkpoints on Tuesday, many carrying bedding, cookware, and other essential items as they won’t be able to return to the north for at least two weeks....