If you looked up at the sky last night, you were treated to a beautiful sight—the Hunter’s Moon shining bright over Cyprus. This full moon, known as the Hunter’s Moon, gets its name from old traditions, marking a time when hunters would prepare for winter, as the fields were clear and animals were easier to spot.
But this wasn’t just any full moon—it was also a supermoon, which made it appear bigger and brighter than usual. A supermoon happens when the moon is closer to Earth, making it seem about 30% brighter and slightly larger in the sky. This particular supermoon was the closest of 2024, making it extra special.
The Hunter’s Moon is the first full moon after the Harvest Moon, which comes right after the autumn equinox. For centuries, people used the light of these moons to gather food and get ready for the colder months. Last night, the moon’s golden glow lit up the skies over Cyprus, casting a magical light across the landscape.
If you missed the sight, don't worry—the memory of this beautiful supermoon will stick around, and there’s always next time. For now, let’s enjoy the peaceful light it brought us and look forward to more stunning night skies in the future!