Press Release
Now every order you place at Foody rewards you with points!
The 1st online delivery company in Cyprus, appreciating the loyalty of its users, joins the antamivi Reward Card Scheme of the Bank of Cyprus. With this partnership, the users of Foody can earn points, privileges and other benefits by using the cards of the Bank.
Foody, created in 2015, changed delivery in our country. After 10 years of operation, it is today one of the most growing companies in the Cypriot market, supporting its growth on technology and innovation. It cooperates with more than 3.500 shops all over Cyprus.
Foody’s inclusion in the antamivi Reward Scheme is part of a strategy to upgrade the experience of its users, offering even more privileges and options.
The antamivi Reward Card Scheme is the largest card scheme operating in the Cyprus market and rewards the daily transactions which are made by using the cards of the Bank of Cyprus with points at participating businesses.
With every purchase they make, cardholders collect points which they can redeem on future purchases at more than 900 points throughout Cyprus, including Foody.
FAQ & T&C: https://www.foody.com.cy/account/subscription.
Now you have antamivi at Foody! Simply pay by using the cards of the Bank of Cyprus.