Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is supporting Averof Neophytou's candidacy for the 2023 Presidential elections.
In a post on Twitter, Mr. Mitsotakis stated: "I have no doubt that Averof Neophytou will continue to fight with the same devotion, with the same dedication for the unity of the Cypriots and for the advancement of the Cypriot people, and of course to resolve our great national issue. We are by his side".
The president of the DISY party had a meeting with the Greek Prime Minister Friday morning (14/01) where developments in the Cyprus issue were discussed. It was at this meeting that Mr. Neophytou informed the Greek Prime Minister about his decision to run for the presidency of the Republic of Cyprus.
In return, Kyriakos Mitsotakis expressed his support for Mr. Neophytou. "I want you to know that we are by your side and I wholeheartedly wish you good strength in the fight you are just starting," he noted, welcoming Mr. Neophytou.
For his part, Mr. Neophytou also praised Prime Minister Mitsotakis for his policies, saying that they resulted in 'spectacular' progress in many sectors while restoring credibility to the country. "Thank you again, because a strong Greece will only expand the continued support you have given Cyprus all these years. And thank you for everything you do for our national cause. Always be strong for an even stronger Greece and a stronger Cyprus", he added.
In statements to journalists after the meeting with the Greek Prime Minister, Mr. Neophytou noted that the relations between the two countries can help at the European level and with the geostrategies of the region. At the same time, along with the Recovery Fund, it gives both countries the opportunity "to do the best for the whole of Hellenism".