12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 62 matches for query curve.

31. KPMG Property Lending Barometer 2020

32. 42 private hospitals join phase two of Gesy

The full rollout of the island’s universal healthcare system (Gesy) on Monday will take place with the participation of 42 private hospitals, with the Health Insurance Organization on Friday expressing its content after two large Nicosia hospitals, the Apollonion and Aretaeio, agreed to participate....

33. Health services dealing with positive case at high school

The Ayiou Charalambous high school in the Paphos district Emba village, where a teacher had tested positive for coronavirus, remained closed on Tuesday while the premises were disinfected, and the state health services identified his possible contacts....

34. Cyprus inching towards zero cases

Only one person tested positive for the coronavirus in Cyprus on Saturday, with both sides of the divided island flattening the curve of the pandemic and easing lockdown measures...

35. Zero new cases 'a utopia', Health Minister says

There’s no perfect recipe that’s been implemented across the world to get out of the lockdown successfully, the Health Minister said Tuesday, noting that we shouldn’t be concerned that we haven’t seen days with zero new cases, as that would be “utopian”....

36. Greece pledges €3m, Cyprus €200,000 to Covid-19 vaccine fundraiser€3m-to-covid-19-vaccine-fundraiser

Greece is among dozens of nations that will help bankroll research into new treatments and a vaccination against the deadly novel coronavirus, pledging 3 million euros to the cause during a fundraising event on Monday....

37. Police checks to be stepped up as restrictions loosen

Cyprus police won’t be easing up on checks as the island gradually begins to loosen restriction measures, on the contrary, patrols will be stepped up, the Chief of Police stressed....

38. Weekend violations spike as curve flattens

Police reported 125 pedestrians and motorists in the last 12 hours as part of the campaign to combat the spread of the COVID-19 disease, amid news of a gradual lift of restrictive measures...

39. Reduction of new cases to single digits came earlier than expected

Restrictive measures are expected to be phased out gradually, starting in early May, Petros Karayiannis, Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Virology and member of the Ministry of Health Advisory Committee said on Tuesday....

40. Israel’s Sheba declares curve ‘flattened out’‘flattened-out

The director of Sheba Medical Center says the coronavirus epidemic in Israel is under control, adding he is confident that Cyprus was on its way to beat the virus as well...

41. Cyprus confirmed cases drop to single digits

The number of new confirmed Covid-19 cases in Cyprus has dropped to single digits, following a long-drawn effort by authorities on the island to flatten the curve, but results won't be fully known before the month is over....

42. Cyprus shaken by loud Easter fireworks

Nicosia was shaken by non-stop fireworks and police sirens on Holy Saturday, as Greek Orthodox Christians observed the first celebration of Easter at midnight amid a pandemic lockdown...

43. Experts urge the public to keep it up as Cyprus sees 20 new cases

Coronavirus cases in the Republic of Cyprus reached 735 on Thursday after 20 more tested positive from a bulk of 2,905 lab tests....

44. Cyprus to prepare three-stage coronavirus exit strategy

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved the island’s lockdown exit strategy, which foresees the resumption of the operation of vital sectors of the economy in early May....

45. 'Long way ahead' as 33 more test positive for COVID-19

Coronavirus cases reached 695 in the Republic of Cyprus on Tuesday, when 33 more people tested positive for the virus after labs across the island conducted a whopping 1,703 tests....

46. WHO: Vaccine at least 12 months off

The number of new coronavirus cases is steadily decreasing in certain European countries, including Italy and Spain, but outbreaks in the UK and Turkey are continuing to mark upward trends, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday....

47. Health expert estimates Cyprus may be free of virus by early May

Health expert Leondios Kostrikis estimated on Friday that judging by the progression of the island’s coronavirus curve, we should be free of the virus by early May, though the timeframe depends on the effectiveness of the measures taken, the public’s response, and the elimination of imported cases....

48. Easter church services to take place behind closed doors

Church services to mark the Orthodox Easter will take place behind closed doors, Archbishop Chrysostomos assured President Nicos Anastasiades in a meeting held at the Presidential Palace on Thursday. ...

49. Cyprus stays put beyond Easter

Church and state got behind scientists this week in the Republic of Cyprus, with the government extending measures beyond Easter to stop the spread of Covid-19 despite partial data suggesting a flattening of the curve...

50. Covid-19 death toll in Greece rises to 81

Greece’s coronavirus toll has risen to 81 with the death of a 42-year-old man in the northern port city of Thessaloniki and of an 84-year-old woman in Athens....

51. Cyprus mulls pushing back Easter celebrations

The President of the Republic of Cyprus is expected to call on the Archbishop to push back on Easter celebrations, as media sources say the government is likely to heed the advice of experts to extend coronavirus measures until the end of April...

52. Sir Paul Nurse: Fighting cancer through the cell cycle

Holder of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Sir Paul Nurse, visited the island last week where he participated as the honorary speaker in the 4th Lecture of Academic Excellence organized by the Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine and the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics. His lecture, entitled ‘Control of the Cell Cyle’, delved into the depths of the research which had led to his prestigious Nobel prize....

53. Stepping into 2020: Limassol Del Mar Takes Shape

54. Courier driver dies in Paphos crash

A courier driver died in hospital on Monday hours after his van collided with a pickup truck in a rural district in Paphos...

55. K.Treppides & Co Ltd: Time Value of Money

What if a close friend asks today to borrow 1,000EUR with the precondition to repay the exact same amount in five years? Would you take the deal or not?...

56. Week continues with calm weather

Weather patterns are settling down after a wet weekend as low pressure gradient is affecting the area this week with mostly clear skies and no rain in the forecast...

57. 'No reason to panic' over stray missile

Turkish Cypriot officials confirmed Monday that they believe a part of a Russian-made S200 missile reached Cyprus early morning and caused multiple explosions, while a team of Turkish experts is traveling to the island to conduct tests...

58. British tourist dies in Paphos accident

A British male was fatally wounded after being struck by a vehicle in Paphos, with preliminary findings pointing to excessive speed as a factor...

59. Fund managers take the lion’s share of the 15-year Cyprus bond

60. Labour leader Corbyn curves towards new Brexit referendum