12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 1501-1530 of 2075 matches for query officer.

1501. Engomi shooting suspect turns himself in

One of two prime suspects in the Engomi shooting has been arrested, with two local men already in custody and the Syrian gunshot victim still in extremely critical condition...

1502. Three locals wanted in Nicosia shooting

A man has been injured following a shooting incident outside a nightclub in Nicosia, with reports saying three suspects have been identified...

1503. Refugees picked up off Cape Greco

Over two dozen undocumented migrants were rescued off the coast of Cyprus on Thursday, after their boat was spotted by a coast guard vessel patrolling the waters near Cape Greco...

1504. Cops build case following vice raid

A married couple has been remanded in custody in connection with their involvement in an illicit massage parlour business where foreign women worked part-time offering erotic services to male clients including handjobs...

1505. Underage girl accuses young man of rape

A 20-year-old male from Paphos is facing criminal trial next month following allegations that he raped an underage girl, while another young man is being accused of sexually abusing a girl in her early teens...

1506. Massage parlours raided in two cities

Police say they have apprehended nine people in Nicosia and Limassol in connection with an investigation into sexual exploitation and human trafficking...

1507. Wrong guy arrested in abduction scares

A man detained over recent abduction scares in Nicosia was released Tuesday evening, with police saying he did not appear to be involved in the incidents...

1508. Four injured after man draws knife

A former employee at a courier service flew into a rage on Thursday, injuring himself and three others, including an ex cop, when he drew a knife during a heated argument over owed money in Strovolos...

1509. Coast guard seizes catch of the day

Another boat has been caught fishing without a licence off the coast of Cyprus, as local coast guard officers increase efforts to target illegal activities beyond territorial waters...

1510. Man says video of checkpoint incident deleted

A man who was arrested at a Nicosia checkpoint after being accused of assaulting a police officer says video footage of the encounter has disappeared...

1511. Courier driver dies in Paphos crash

A courier driver died in hospital on Monday hours after his van collided with a pickup truck in a rural district in Paphos...

1512. Ayia Napa rape accuser back in court

The Ayia Napa rape accuser was expected back in court on Tuesday where she is facing charges of public mischief, with her defence taking issue with how the complaint was investigated and how their client was treated by police...

1513. Court orders return of girl's body for burial

The funeral of a little girl who went into cardiac arrest during a dental procedure was to go forward Wednesday according o plan following a judge’s decision to reject a police request for a post mortem against her parents’ wishes...

1514. Driver in animal abuse viral video charged

A male driver who was caught on video driving with a dog tied to the car has been charged with animal abuse, while police call on members of the public to report such cases without delay...

1515. US guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez arrives in Larnaca port

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) arrived in Larnaca port, Cyprus, on October 1st, for a scheduled visit. It is currently deployed in support of US national security interests in the US 6th Fleet area of operations....

1516. Pedestrian killed in Limassol road accident

A local man in Limassol was killed Tuesday night while trying to cross the road, after he was struck by a car in low-light conditions...

1517. UNFICYP makes case for more women peacekeepers

A female lieutenant with UNFICYP says local concerns are consistently heard and addressed with more women peacekeepers on the ground...

1518. Drunk driver caught speeding in Larnaca

Police have arrested a male driver who was caught driving drunk and speeding up to 180 kilometers on the new Larnaca-Kofinou roadway, with a Larnaca judge passing sentence the following day...

1519. Greece sends Frontex new request for assistance with inflow surge

Amid the recent surge in migrant flows to the islands of the eastern Aegean, the Greek coast guard has sent a new request – the second within three weeks – for additional assistance from Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, according to sources. ...

1520. Syrian-Cypriot freed from Hungarian prison

A Syrian-born Cypriot who was jailed four years ago in Hungary on terrorism charges has been reunited with his family in Cyprus according to Amnesty International that mounted a campaign for his release...

1521. Family of four locked up on theft charges

An entire family is in custody in Paphos after law enforcement officers stumbled upon a large quantity of goods that appeared to be stolen property...

1522. Youths shot at by police get arrested

The two youths who were shot at by police in on Thursday have been arrested on multiple violations, with the father of one of the suspects crying foul and giving an entirely different account of what took place...

1523. Youths injured after cops fire warning shots

Two young men on a quad bike were injured during a police encounter Thursday morning, after reportedly failing to stop for inspection...

1524. Dad calls cops on son

A local man has been arrested after he was chased by police Monday night in Nicosia, following a complaint by his father who reportedly said his son became violent over money...

1525. Woman ejected from bed of pickup truck

A young British woman was seriously injured on Sunday night after she was ejected from the back of a pickup truck following a collision in Paphos...

1526. North to get security cameras next year

A Turkish company is set to deliver hundreds of security cameras in the north next year, while a tender process for speed cameras in the south is concluding Friday with the aim of installing the first batch in late 2020...

1527. Panic averted at Larnaca airport

Security officers at Larnaca Airport said there was no mal intent behind a minor explosion in a trash can outside a terminal entrance...

1528. Nicosia inmate caught with four ‘bumphones’‘bumphones

A local inmate doing time at Nicosia’s Central Prisons was caught with four phones hidden in his rectum as he was being transferred back to his cell...

1529. Parents charged with child endangerment

A foreign couple in Paphos has been charged with exposing a child to harm after their two-year-old was said to have been out and about late at night near the village square...

1530. Wheelchair fatality blamed on parking violators

Post mortem findings show a man on a wheelchair died of a spinal cord injury in Nicosia over the weekend, while critics blame the accident on sidewalk violations...