Wednesday and Thursday skies will be partly cloudy with increasing chances of rain and somewhat cooler temperatures with evening showers, while unstable weather patterns will clear out by early Saturday...
Pilots from the US, who came to Cyprus to repossess planes leased to Cobalt, were not allowed to fly them out, with the governments of the two countries being called to weigh in...
Four people detained Tuesday afternoon by Turkish Cypriot authorities in connection with an alleged theft of a piece of church stone with archeological value...
A senior citizen died in Limassol on Tuesday, one month following an accident which resulted to his wife’s death and his hospitalization when the couple was struck together by an oncoming vehicle...
A man who denies he had a child 28 years ago with his lover and refuses to take a DNA test has lost his appeal case, with the court citing a “compelling sequence of events” that lead to no other reasonable conclusion...
The temporary closure of a tarnished road stretch in Paphos, where a Russian couple was killed over the weekend, caused controversy among some groups who say the measure was excessive...
The head of the anti-trafficking unit in Cyprus, Rita Superman, says some migrants know how to cheat the system citing past examples of child marriages from Syria and women falsely seeking human trafficking protections...
The government in the Republic of Cyprus is paying upfront for damages caused by tornado in rural Nicosia, while unprecedented destruction also took place in the north...
Over four hundred agents in Cyprus are seeking a permit to be golden visa providers as criticism from the EU and stricter terms introduced by the government point to fierce competition among them...
Police are warning the public, especially those actively looking for love online, not to fall victims to unscrupulous imposters who are after money while pretending they are interested in a romantic relationship...
A low pressure system is still affecting fair skies over parts of Cyprus, adding to more chances of afternoon local showers over the next few days with highs up to 30 and lows in the upper teens and low 20's...
A female bookie in Paphos had €50,000 in cash stolen from her vehicle, telling cops her car was burglarised while she went for a drink late after work...
A huge tornado sweeping though rural areas west of Nicosia made landfall Sunday afternoon spreading panic among local residents and causing damages along the way...