Source: Announcement
"I ask the teams working for Messrs. Neofytou, Mavroyiannis, and Christodoulides to state their unnamed donors. Where did they get their money, and how did they spend it during the election campaign?" says independent candidate for the Presidency of the Republic George Colocassidis.
Statement by the candidate
Yesterday, I released my campaign's full financial statement. I disclosed all of my income and expenses since the start of this campaign effort in December 2021, not just the last six months. This implies openness.
I challenge Messrs Neofytou, Mavroyiannis, and Christodoulides' members of staff to reveal their unnamed donors. Where did they get their money, and how did they spend it during the election campaign? Not just in the last six months, but since their election campaign began.
They must disclose it now so that the public knows from where they have been receiving funds, who their donors are, and what dependencies may have been established.
Finally, who do these candidates represent?
Who are the unnamed donors, the political parties that support them, or the citizens?
[This announcement was translated from its Greek original]