In a heartwarming and significant step for Cyprus, a collection of ancient Cypriot antiquities has been successfully repatriated from the United Kingdom. These priceless cultural treasures, which were once dispersed in various locations across the UK, have now been returned to their rightful home.
The repatriation was made possible through the tireless efforts of the High Commission of Cyprus in the United Kingdom, led by High Commissioner Kyriakos Kouros. Yesterday, the High Commission officially handed over the antiquities to the Department of Antiquities in Cyprus, where they will be preserved and displayed for future generations to appreciate.
“We are pleased to witness the safe return of these important pieces of our heritage,” said Kouros. “This marks a special day for all Cypriots, as we work to reclaim and protect our history for all to enjoy.”
The antiquities, which had been carefully packed and prepared for transport, will now make their way back to Cyprus, where they will be reunited with their historical roots.
This repatriation comes as part of ongoing efforts to return stolen or displaced cultural artifacts to their countries of origin. It’s a proud moment for Cyprus, underscoring the importance of preserving cultural heritage.
In related news, just yesterday, it was announced that over 60 additional pieces of Cypriot antiquities were also being repatriated from Austria, marking another milestone in the country’s commitment to restoring its ancient history.
Λονδίνο | Παραδόθηκαν σήμερα από την Υπάτη Αρμοστεία και τον ΥΑ @KourosKyriakos στο #ΤμήμαΑρχαιοτήτων @DepMinCultureCy κυπριακές αρχαιότητες που εντοπίστηκαν στο ΗΒ, οι οποίες συσκευάστηκαν και είναι έτοιμες για επαναπατρισμό στην Κύπρο #departmentofantiquities_cyprus pic.twitter.com/ip05QJFUtL
— Cyprus in UK (@CyprusInUK) December 2, 2024