Eight new coronavirus cases were confirmed over the weekend in the Republic of Cyprus, bringing the total number of known cases to 1021.
On Saturday, authorities said a woman tested positive after her mother, who had traveled to Cyprus from Romania, was confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus.
The mother, who presented a negative test upon entering the Republic of Cyprus, flew back to her country last Monday, where she tested positive for the bug. Her daughter on the island was then tracked down through the contact tracing method and took the test, which came out positive.
Five Syrian nationals also tested positive during the process of being transferred to a migrant facility
On Sunday, seven other cases were announced including a hotel worker in Paphos, a football player for Doxa who traveled from Serbia on Friday.
Five Syrian nationals also tested positive, according to the Cyprus News Agency, with reports saying the individuals were in the process of being transferred to Pournara migrant facility in rural Nicosia. Authorities did not clarify whether they were recent arrivals on the island.
No positive cases were found in the north Friday through the weekend, according to Turkish Cypriot media, keeping the total number of known cases to 115 on that part of the island.