In a groundbreaking initiative, the municipality of Leucosia unveiled the Smart Nicosia project on November 20, marking a significant leap towards transforming the city into a smart and livable hub.
The inauguration, graced by the President of Cyprus and other dignitaries, showcased Nicosia's commitment to leveraging technology for the betterment of residents and visitors.
Smart Nicosia, a recipient of numerous awards, positions the city on the European map of smart cities. Focused on pillars like sustainable mobility, environment, and energy, the project employs real-time data transfer to optimize municipal services. The city now boasts a Wi-Fi network in key locations, making it an appealing destination for students, employees, and digital nomads.
Mayor Constantine Giorkatzis emphasized the role of "smart systems" in enhancing communication and cooperation between the public and the municipality. These systems, including sensors and devices, contribute to the efficiency of traditional services through digital technologies. The mayor outlined a comprehensive plan aligning with the strategic development of smart cities in Cyprus.
Themis Christofidou, the Director General of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional Policy and Urban Development, applauded Nicosia's transition towards digital and green initiatives. The municipality aims to become a center of innovation in the Eastern Mediterranean, promoting sustainability and improving the quality of life.
The Minister of Digital Governance of Greece, Dimitris Papastergiou, emphasized the transformative nature of smart cities. He highlighted their ability to respond to citizen demands swiftly, enhancing security levels, and creating conditions for a more leisurely and people-friendly lifestyle.
Cypriot MEP Loukas Fourlas, rapporteur of the European Year of Skills 2023, emphasized the innovation inherent in smart cities. He noted that innovation begins with people who approach the future with optimism, acknowledging the positive impact on citizens' lives.
Nadia Lorgier, the Smart Nicosia Project Manager, presented the project's vision and future developments. The Smart Nicosia project is implemented under the "Thaleia 2021-2027" Cohesion Policy Program with co-financing from the EU.
The launch event concluded with an artistic program inspired by the Smart Nicosia project. It's worth noting that the project is part of the Cohesion Policy Program "Thaleia 2021-2027," co-funded by the EU.
More details about Smart Nicosia can be found on the project's website here.