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Larnaka and Pafos airports set record for passenger traffic

January-August 2024 sees 4.67% increase in passenger volume; august traffic up 5.71%

Newsroom / CNA

The period from January to August 2024 saw the highest passenger traffic ever at Larnaka and Pafos airports, according to the Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Works.

The Ministry reported that during these months, the airports handled 8,179,421 passengers, marking a 4.67% increase from the same period in 2023.

August 2024 alone saw 1,602,810 passengers, up 5.71% compared to August 2023. Larnaka Airport experienced an 8.53% increase in passenger volume, while Pafos Airport saw a slight decline of 1.10%.

Aircraft traffic also rose by 14% from 2023, totaling 11,431 flights, with significant traffic coming from the United Kingdom, Greece, Poland, Israel, and Germany.

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