We agree that Cyprus is too small to be divided, but big enough to become the homeland for Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins said DISY President Averof Neophytou in a tweet after a meeting with former Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat.
Mr. Neophytou and his wife, Maria, hosted Mehmet Ali Talat and his wife Oya for dinner yesterday evening at their home in Nicosia.
The DISY President said he had an excellent night with Mehmet Ali Talat and expressed his gratidute to Mr.Talat for accepting his invitation.
A great evening with @M_A_Talat and his wife Oya. Our sincere thanks for accepting our invitation!
— Averof Neofytou (@AverofCY) 26 November 2018
We agree that #Cyprus is too small to be divided, but big enough to become the united homeland for both G/c, T/c, Armenians, Maronites and Latines. pic.twitter.com/wdt5BtqBOg