Police will be stepping up checks at targeted food and drink spots in the coming days to ensure that health and safety decrees are being adhered to, Police Chief Christos Andreou told the Cyprus News Agency on Monday.
Asked to comment on a number photographs and video footage that have been circulating across social media platforms, and which show concerning numbers of people crowded in cafes, bars, and restaurants, Andreou said that Saturday in particular saw restaurants being crammed with people.
Christou added that some photos that police have received even show people standing up and dancing around tables, despite Health Ministry decrees requiring all customers to be seated and to minimize exchanges with staff and other customers.
In certain instances, Christou said, the police issued warnings to certain business owners in hope that they abide by decrees in place to minimize the spread of coronavirus, but noted that it will intervene when these are violated.
He stressed that in the coming days the police, in cooperation with relevant departments of other Ministries, will be carrying out targeted and more intense checks at businesses that resumed operation as the island gradually lifted lockdown measures.
On the positive side, Christou said, checks at beaches and churches found no violations of relevant decrees.