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Ships collide in disputed waters, China blames Philippines

US condemns China after collision with Philippine coast guard ships


Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels collided early Monday near Sabina Shoal, a disputed area in the South China Sea, escalating tensions between the two nations in the contested waters. As reported by AP, both sides accused each other of causing the collision, which damaged at least two ships, though no injuries were reported.

The incident occurred in the Spratly Islands, where Vietnam and Taiwan also have claims. China’s coast guard alleged that a Philippine ship deliberately rammed into one of its vessels, ignoring warnings. “The Philippine side is entirely responsible for the collision,” Chinese coast guard spokesperson Gan Yu said, warning of potential consequences.

The Philippines, however, disputed this account. Jonathan Malaya, assistant director-general of the National Security Council, said video evidence, including footage from journalists aboard a Philippine ship, showed that Chinese vessels were responsible for the collision.

According to the Philippine National Task Force on the West Philippine Sea, two of its ships, BRP Bagacay and BRP Cape Engaño, were damaged after being hit by Chinese vessels. The BRP Cape Engaño sustained a 5-inch hole in its deck, while BRP Bagacay was struck twice, causing further structural damage.

“This is the most significant structural damage we’ve sustained from Chinese maneuvers,” said Commodore Jay Tarriela of the Philippine coast guard.

China maintains “indisputable sovereignty” over the Spratly Islands, including Sabina Shoal, and accused the Philippines of provocation. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning urged the Philippines to abide by a recent agreement aimed at preventing confrontations in the region.

The collision highlights ongoing tensions in the South China Sea, where China’s expansive territorial claims have led to frequent clashes with neighboring countries, including the Philippines. The U.S. has expressed support for the Philippines, condemning China’s actions and reaffirming its commitment to international law.

A 2016 U.N. tribunal ruling invalidated China’s sweeping claims in the South China Sea, but Beijing rejected the decision and continues to assert control over the area.

[Information sourced from AP]

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