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19 September, 2024
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State hospital unions announce 24-hour strike for October

Unions accuse health services agency of delaying negotiations and undermining collective bargaining


Unions representing state hospital workers in Cyprus have announced a 24-hour strike planned for the first half of October. The decision follows a meeting on September 16, 2024, where unions expressed frustration over stalled negotiations with the State Health Services Agency (SHS) regarding a new collective agreement.

The trade unions, including SSEK, PEO, PASYDY, IOK, PASYKI, and P.SY.NO., are protesting what they describe as the SHS’s deliberate delay tactics. They argue that the Agency has repeatedly postponed meetings and avoided finalizing a collective agreement, leading to a breakdown in negotiations and undermining the collective bargaining process.

The unions have stated that the lack of progress is solely the fault of the SHS, which they accuse of treating social dialogue and negotiation with disregard. In response to the ongoing stagnation, the unions have decided to proceed with a 24-hour strike to be held within the first two weeks of October.

Details on the exact date of the strike and additional actions will be determined through local general assemblies of union members. Further information, including the unions' full grievances and documentation on the alleged delays and inconsistencies, will be shared during a press conference at a later date.

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