12° Nicosia,
05 July, 2024


Displaying results 1051-1080 of 1932 matches for query corona.

1051. Eight new coronavirus cases detected

The health ministry announced eight new coronavirus cases on Monday, when 1,960 tests were conducted, with the new cases raising the sum of cases detected in the Republic of Cyprus since the outbreak of the virus in March to 1,534....

1052. 20 anti-corona demonstrators fined, three prosecuted

Police issued fines to 20 participants of an anti-coronavirus demonstration that took place in Nicosia’s Eleftheria square on Saturday, while legal proceedings were launched against three others –two organizers and one speaker....

1053. UK, Swedish travel agents regaining confidence in Cyprus

Major travel agents from Britain and Sweden seem to be overcoming their reservations regarding the mandatory coronavirus test and are starting to bring tourists to Cyprus again, Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos said Friday, speaking before the Parliamentary Transport Committee....

1054. Cyprus detects three new cases

Three new coronavirus cases were detected on Friday, when 3,108 tests were carried out, bringing total cases detected since the outbreak of the virus in March to 1,520....

1055. Thousands protest after Greek refugee camp burns down

Thousands of protesting refugees and migrants left homeless on the Greek island of Lesbos after fires destroyed the notoriously overcrowded Moria camp gathered on a road leading to the island's main town Friday, demanding to be allowed to leave....

1056. Cyprus coronavirus fatality rate at 1.9%

The fatality rate of COVID-19 in Cyprus stands at 1.9%, with a total of 1,511 COVID-19 cases and 29 deaths recorded until September 8, according to the COVID-19 National Surveillance Report published Friday....

1057. Three new coronavirus cases, all with travel history

Three new coronavirus cases were detected in the Republic of Cyprus on Thursday, when 2,452 tests were conducted, raising total known cases since the outbreak of the pandemic to 1,517....

1058. Banks must prepare for a new cycle of NPLs due to Covid-19

Constantinos Herodotou, Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) told Cyprus commercial banks to prepare to face a new cycle of non-performing loans in 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic....

1059. Homeless Moria camp residents to be moved into boats, tents

Thousands of refugees and migrants left homeless by a fire at Greece’s biggest camp on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos, will be temporarily housed in a ferry boat, two navy ships and tents, Migration Minister Notis Mitarakis told a press conference on Wednesday, confirming that no deaths or injuries have been reported as a result of the blaze....

1060. Health ministry allows outdoor cultural, political events with up to 350 people

After growing numbers of requests from organized groups and bodies regarding the organization of cultural and political events in outdoor spaces, the health ministry said Wednesday that such events are permitted and can accommodate up to 350 people who must be seated....

1061. Three new coronavirus cases emerge in Cyprus

Three new coronavirus cases were detected in the Republic of Cyprus on Wednesday when 2,251 tests were conducted, raising total cases recorded since the outbreak of the pandemic to 1,514....

1062. Cyprus problem, Varosha on MED7 summit agenda

The Cyprus problem, Turkey’s activities in the eastern Mediterranean and in the fenced-off ghost town of Varosha, will be on the agenda of MED7 summit to take place on Thursday....

1063. Woman behind infection chains upon returning from US fined

The Larnaca district court on Wednesday imposed an €800 fine on the woman who formed chains of coronavirus infections after returning from US....

1064. Cyprus energy plans sticking to schedule

Energy Minister Natasa Pilides gave assurances on Wednesday that the companies active in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone are moving forward with their planning....

1065. AstraZeneca vaccine study on hold

AstraZeneca Plc said it has paused global trials, including large late-stage trials, of its experimental coronavirus vaccine due to an unexplained illness in a study participant...

1066. Fires erupt at Moria refugee camp

Thousands of migrants fled a camp under COVID-19 lockdown after multiple fires gutted much of the site on the Greek island of Lesvos, authorities said early Wednesday...

1067. Republic finds one new case as north re-imposes restrictions

A single new coronavirus case was detected in the Republic of Cyprus on Tuesday after 2,797 tests, but in the north authorities moved to reinstate several restriction measures after a renewed flare-up of the virus as a result of high numbers of cases imported from Turkey....

1068. Solar panels being installed in over 400 Cyprus schools

Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou said Tuesday that the Cyprus Electricity Authority has begun the process of insulating and installing solar panels at 405 schools across Cyprus, allowing schools to take on the extra electricity load of air conditioners that are desperately needed as the heatwave rages on. Currently, 107 schools have solar panels....

1069. Study to assess coronavirus immunity in Cyprus

The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics will be carrying out a study to aiming to assess the level of coronavirus immunity among the Cyprus population. ...

1070. Cyprus' coronavirus death toll rises

The Republic of Cyprus recorded a new coronavirus fatality involving a 76-year-old Nicosia general hospital patient with underlying health conditions, but whose death was ultimately attributed to his coronavirus infection....

1071. Return of students to schools postponed one week

1072. Four new coronavirus cases detected in Cyprus

Four new coronavirus cases were announced on Friday when 1,810 tests were conducted to check samples for the virus. The cases brought the total detected in the Republic of Cyprus to 1,502....

1073. Classroom preparations in full swing as first bell edges nearer

With the school year kicking off on Monday, September 7, school authorities are rushing to prepare classrooms that would host students in line with government health protocols....

1074. Cyprus detects three new coronavirus cases

The Cyprus health ministry announced three new coronavirus cases on Thursday, when 2,149 tests were conducted, bringing total cases detected so far to 1,498....

1075. Government extends support schemes until end October

The Cabinet on Thursday decided to extend current government support programs aiming to cushion the blow of the coronavirus pandemic until the end of October, Labour Minister Zeta Emilianidou said....

1076. Cyprus detects five new coronavirus cases

1077. Police arrest eight ‘trespassers’ at Pournara‘trespassers-at-pournara

Police say they arrested eight trespassers at Pournara migrant camp on Tuesday night, with some of them reportedly holding edged weapons and blunt instruments...

1078. Boat carrying refugees pushed back by Cyprus, ends up in UN area

A boat carrying 21 refugees from Lebanon and Syria that reached the Paralimni shore on Monday was pushed back by marine and port police, only to disembark in a nearby UN-controlled area on Tuesday....

1079. Cyprus sees one coronavirus death, two new cases

A 77-year-old coronavirus patient that suffered from underlying health conditions succumbed to the virus on Tuesday....

1080. Cyprus prepared for expected Covid-19 surge in winter

The autumn and winter seasons are expected to see increased numbers of coronavirus cases, member of the government’s coronavirus advisory committee, Professor Constantinos Tsioutis, said Tuesday, noting that both the Cyprus health system and public is ready to face a new surge....