12° Nicosia,
12 June, 2024


Displaying results 301-330 of 5080 matches for query work.

301. Cyprus paves the way in its ambitious road infrastructure agenda

In an exclusive interview with Maria Eracleous of ''K,'' Eleftherios Eleftheriou, Director of Cyprus's Public Works Department, provided updates on critical infrastructure projects across the island nation....

302. Filipino seafarers return home after surviving Yemen missile attack

Eleven Filipino seafarers finally reached the shores of the Philippines on Tuesday, nearly a week after enduring a harrowing missile attack by Houthi rebels off the coast of Yemen....

303. Russian military jet crashes after takeoff, 15 onboard (video)

A Russian Il-76 Ilyushin military jet crashed shortly after takeoff Tuesday, according to authorities....

304. The feathered ''employees'' of Akaki Grove

When Elena Christoforou was five years old, her godfather, who lived in England, had given her a BBC videotape, a series narrated by David Attenborough ...

305. Surging numbers of illegal residents deported in 2024

The Cyprus Police announced on Sunday that a total of 2,247 individuals, found to be residing illegally in Cyprus, have been deported or repatriated from the Republic of Cyprus territory in 2024 until March 8....

306. Larnaca: Humanitarian aid ship ready to set sail for Gaza

Everything is set for the departure of the Open Arms ship, which will carry the initial shipment of humanitarian aid through the Amalthea project to Palestinians...

307. Cuellar receives London's assurance on Cyprus problem

UN Secretary-General's personal envoy on Cyprus, María Angela Holguín Cuéllar, received reassurances by UK officials during her contacts in London on Thursday......

308. Farewell to speed bumps, hello to 'cushions'

The removal of road humps continues across Cyprus, with authorities considering the installation of "cushions" (commonly used abroad) and islands instead of cameras at points where measures for road safety are needed....

309. United Airlines loses tire, damages cars below

A United Airlines flight faced a dramatic emergency landing on Thursday after one of its tires fell off midflight, causing damage to several cars in a San Francisco parking lot. ...

310. Unemployment rate drops while inflation inches up

The latest data from the Cyprus Statistical Service reveals a positive shift in the country's economic landscape, with the unemployment rate falling to 5.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to 6.9% in the same period the previous year....

311. Saints Sergios & Bacchus church rises from devastation

Out of the ruins and devastation, the small church of Saints Sergios and Bacchus, in the Karpas peninsula, east of Neta village in Turkish occupied......

312. PwC: Slow progress in gender equality in the workplace

To mark International Women’s Day 2024, PwC has released two studies, the Women in Work Index and Inclusion Matters, finding that global progress on achieving gender parity at work continues at a sluggish rate....

313. Cyprus and EU unite for Gaza's humanitarian corridor

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Cyprus on Thursday evening to discuss the establishment of a humanitarian sea corridor to Gaza. ...

314. CyStat: Gender disparities persist in workforce

Although women make up the majority of the workforce in Cyprus, they are still paid significantly less than men, according to data published in a Cyprus Statistical Service (CyStat) infographic on the occasion of International Women's Day....

315. Future ships to navigate seas without crews

In what seems like a scene from science fiction, the future of ocean exploration is unfolding before our eyes....

316. ''America at our best''

Last night's gathering at the Hilton Hotel in Nicosia, hosted by the US Embassy and the American Medical Center, stirred something deep within me....

317. One in four students in Cyprus have been bullyed

In Cyprus, a troubling rise in bullying is highlighted as a quarter of students admit to being victims, both in physical and online contexts, according to a statement by the "Hope for Children" CRC Policy Center....

318. Energy Minister calls for EU 'solar bank' to energize solar industry

In a proposal during the EU Council of Transport, Telecommunications, and Energy yesterday, Cypriot Minister of Energy, Commerce, and Industry George Papanastasiou...

319. President's ''fireside chat'' with chosen few unveils triumphs and controversy

In an interchannel interview held to evaluate the first year in office, President of the Republic Nikos Christodoulides commenced proceedings a few minutes after 20:30. ...

320. President Christodoulides stands firm on peace plan

President Nikos Christodoulides vowed that he will not put before the citizens a peace plan for the Cyprus issue with which he does not agree and expressed once again his readiness to enter into reunification talks based on the agreed framework. ...

321. President Christodoulides' candid year-one address

In a televised address marking the completion of his first year in office, President Nikos Christodoulides highlighted the achievements and priorities of his administration. Emphasizing transparency and accountability, the President outlined the following key areas of focus:...

322. FIA President investigated for alleged manipulation in F1 Grand Prix

Whistleblower claims Ben Sulayem intervened to overturn penalty for Aston Martin's Fernando Alonso at the 2023 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, raising concerns about fairness in the race outcome....

323. Children starving in Gaza, urges Israeli aid access

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has issued a stark plea to Israel amid a mounting humanitarian crisis in Gaza. ...

324. Traffic light cameras to get enhanced surveillance

Cyprus is set to implement three new measures to improve its current photo-labeling system aimed at enhancing road safety. ...

325. Police investigate possible staging in €420K robbery€420k-robbery

In the ongoing investigation involving a 31-year-old woman and 420 thousand euros, Police spokesman Christos Andreou revealed on Tuesday's "Alpha Kalimera" show that there's still much work to be done....

326. Christodoulides reflects on his first year in office

On the anniversary of completing one year in office, President Nicos Christodoulides is set to present his inaugural report tonight, detailing the progress made since his inauguration in the areas of Cyprus, the economy, and internal governance....

327. Minister spearheads operation to curb undeclared labor

In a joint effort involving the Minister of Labour and Social Insurance, Yannis Panagiotou, along with officials from the Ministry of Labour, members of the Immigration and Aliens Service, and police, a targeted operation was conducted to address undeclared and illegal work....

328. Shipping Deputy Ministry finds a new home at historic Nemitsa factory

The Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Shipping is set to revamp its operational landscape with a state-of-the-art facility in Limassol. Following the Council of Ministers' approval to repurpose the former Nemitsa factory site, ...

329. Cyprus' wetlands under threat

Kathimerini reporter Pavlos Neophytou delves into the critical challenges facing Cyprus' precious wetlands, where red alerts have recently been issued for the Achna dam and Larnaca salt ponds. ...

330. XM invests in ARIS for future entrepreneurs

XM, an international company that has established itself as a leader in the investment industry in forex, CFD in shares, metals and more, actively supports education and skills development initiatives through its sponsorship of ARIS (A Really Inspiring Space)....