In a tragic incident early this morning, a 41-year-old mother and her 12-year-old daughter lost their lives in a traffic accident in the occupied Bogazi district of Kyrenia. The car carrying Mehtap Kanal and her daughter, Ezrin Baspinar, collided with a vehicle parked on the side of the road after the driver reportedly lost control. Both victims were killed instantly.
This heartbreaking crash is the latest in a string of deadly accidents, as the Turkish press has been dominated by discussions on the growing number of fatalities on the roads. According to reports from Yeni Duzen, this recent accident brings the number of road deaths in just the past week to seven. In total, there were 50 traffic-related deaths in 2024, marking the deadliest year on the island in the last 11 years.
Experts are pointing to several key factors behind the surge in accidents. Unchecked population growth, a rise in the number of driving licenses issued without proper scrutiny, poor road conditions, and excessive speeds are all being blamed for the increase in fatalities.
As authorities scramble to address the issue, this latest tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for reform and better road safety measures to prevent further loss of life on the island.