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Minister vows 'smart lights' rule over timers

No timers at traffic lights until March-April 2024

Panayiotis Rougalas

Panayiotis Rougalas

In a recent presentation of the Ministry of Transport's 2024 budget to the Finance Committee, Minister of Transport, Alexis Vafeadis, categorically stated that there will be no timers installed at traffic lights until at least March or April 2024.

He emphasized that the implementation of "smart traffic lights" takes precedence over incorporating timers into existing traffic lights at the timing nodes.

Mr. Vafeadis clarified that the introduction of timers would be considered only after the "smart lights" are installed in March to April 2024 if they are found to be necessary.

The parliamentarians welcomed the reduction in timer intervals (4 seconds for right turns and for the first lane if the vehicle passes) but expressed concerns about ongoing incorrect practices, primarily by the company responsible for operating the cameras in Cyprus.

The minister urged citizens to report such instances to the Cyprus Police, and if necessary, file complaints with the Ministry if the police do not take action.

No Wrongful Police Practices with Trucks Found

Addressing recent traffic-related issues, including multiple truck accidents that paralyzed the road network for hours, Minister Alexis Vafeadis commended the Cyprus Police's handling of the situation.

He noted that re-routing traffic would have caused similar disruptions. However, he criticized the lack of assistance provided to trapped or affected drivers during the highway closures.

Ministry of Transport's €490 Million Budget

The Ministry of Transport's budget for 2024 is €490.3 million, with non-cofinanced projects amounting to €452.3 million. Additionally, co-financing coordinated by the Directorate-General for development amounts to €38 million.

The development spending rate for 2016 to 2022 and the forecast for 2023 is at 83%.

The total spending of the 2024 state budget, including loan, interest, and investment repayments, is €13,040.7 million.

Revenue is expected to reach €9,892 million, a 9.6% increase from the revised revenues in 2023. Expenditure, excluding loan repayments and investments, is budgeted at €10,584 million, showing a 17.7% increase compared to the previous year.

[This article was translated from its Greek original]

Cyprus  |  minister  |  traffic  |  economy  |  budget

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