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Turkey warns Greece and Cyprus to avoid Middle East conflicts

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan alleges Cypriot involvement in Gaza operations; Cyprus denies claims


Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan issued a stern warning to Greece and Cyprus, advising them to stay away from Middle Eastern conflicts. Speaking on the Turkish channel Haburturk, Fidan declared, "Stay away from the Middle East, or the fire will come and find you."

Fidan criticized Cyprus and Greece for allegedly allowing their territories to be used for operations in the Middle East, particularly against Gaza. He claimed that Cyprus has "become a base used by some countries for operations against Gaza" and described it as a de facto military base.

"We are facing a great threat and risk of expanding the conflict. As long as the genocide by Israel continues, this danger will continue," Fidan said, referring to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. He emphasized the increased threats from actors in Lebanon towards the Greek Cypriot administration in southern Cyprus, which he described as "harbingers" of further conflict.

"Stay away from the Middle East, or the fire will come and find you." - Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan

Fidan reiterated Turkey's warnings to regional actors, particularly the Greek Cypriot administration, about their alleged involvement in the Middle Eastern operations. He asserted that intelligence reports have shown Cyprus is being used for intelligence-gathering and military flights against Gaza.

"The fact that this place and the Greek islands are being used for operations in the Middle East will not benefit either the Greek Cypriot administration or Greece," Fidan stated. "Our advice to the Greeks is 'stay away from these issues,' because when you get involved in the ongoing wars in the Middle East, the fire will come and find you."

In response to Fidan's claims, Cyprus vehemently denied any involvement in military operations against Gaza. Government Spokesman Constantinos Letibiotis, speaking to RIK radio, emphasized that Cyprus has never provided, nor will it provide, facilities for offensive actions against any country.

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombou also refuted the allegations before the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, asserting that Cyprus is part of the solution to the crisis, not the problem. He highlighted the close relationship between Cyprus and Lebanon, confirmed by recent statements from Lebanese officials.

Fidan's comments underscore the heightened tensions in the region and the complex geopolitical dynamics involving multiple state and non-state actors.

[Source: CNA, RIK]

Cyprus  |  Israel  |  Turkey  |  Greece  |  Gaza

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