12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2251-2280 of 2906 matches for query ds-air.

2251. President: Partial lockdown of airports, schools to remain closed until April 10

President Nicos Anastasiades addressed the nation on Friday night after the week saw cumulative confirmations of coronavirus cases across the divide....

2252. Additional COVID-19 protection measures announced in the north

Turkish Cypriot ministers agreed on several additional coronavirus protection measures on Friday during their third emergency session on the unfolding pandemic....

2253. Health Ministry issues revised travel guidelines

The Ministry of Health has released revised travel advice to travellers concerning the novel coronavirus, with effect as of Saturday, March 14....

2254. Waves of showers to persist through weekend

Police warn motorists of fallen rock on rural mountain roads, with wet weather conditions on the island expected to persist throughout the weekend...

2255. Cyprus confirms three new coronavirus cases, total hikes to 10

The Republic of Cyprus saw three additional confirmed coronavirus cases on Thursday evening, raising the total to 10. A second COVID-19 case was also confirmed in the north earlier in the day...

2256. Second COVID-19 case confirmed in the north

The husband of the north’s first confirmed coronavirus case tested positive for the virus on Thursday, raising the number of cases in the north to two....

2257. Confirmed coronavirus cases rise to seven

Cyprus recorded a new confirmed case of coronavirus on Thursday, involving a person who had recently returned from the UK....

2258. Turkish Cypriots close two crossings

Turkish Cypriot authorities have shut down two crossings on Thursday for ten days, following the latest developments with the coronavirus pandemic...

2259. Cyprus scrambles as WHO declares pandemic

The World Health Organization has classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic, calling for “urgent and aggressive action” after the coronavirus spread in 114 including Cyprus and Turkey while Greece reported its first fatality...

2260. Four more people test positive for corornavirus in Cyprus

Four new cases of coronavirus were confirmed on Wednesday, raising the figure to seven across the divide....

2261. Health Minister issues decree banning gatherings of over 75 persons

A decree issued by the Health Minister on Wednesday solidified the government decision to ban public and private gatherings of over 75 persons....

2262. Turkey announces first coronavirus case

Turkey announced its first case of the novel coronavirus on Wednesday, with “patient zero” testing positive after a trip to Europe following some 2000 suspected cases that all came out negative...

2263. The north in turmoil after first coronavirus case

The north was hurled into turmoil on Tuesday after confirming its first coronavirus case, with authorities in the north moving to place hotels in lockdown, health services placing tens of persons in isolation, and the ‘government’ shutting primary and secondary schools until March 16, with universities in the north being the next possible target of intervention....

2264. Cyprus tries to find footing after virus cases

Authorities on the divided island of Cyprus are scrambling to cope with the first three confirmed cases of the coronavirus, while a doctor and a young man in the south are feared to have spread the infection far and wide...

2265. First coronavirus case confirmed in the north

The third case of coronavirus was announced on the divided island of Cyprus, after a foreign visitor was confirmed with the coronavirus infection in the north...

2266. Nicosia doctor with coronavirus speaks out

A state doctor in Cyprus who was diagnosed with the coronavirus infection on Monday says specialists “discouraged” him from taking a test sooner, while the EU Health Commissioner calls for calm as Cypriot authorities begin tracing the physician’s contacts from last week...

2267. Health Minister: Two test positive for coronavirus

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou announced on Monday that two out of the 50 tests conducted on suspected coronavirus carriers emerged positive for the virus, but urged the public not to panic and to follow personal hygiene guidelines....

2268. Anastasiades participates in teleconference on COVID-19

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades participated on Monday along with seven other heads of government in a teleconference to discuss measures to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak. ...

2269. EU criticizes Turkey on migration as border clashes resume

Clashes between Greek riot police and migrants attempting to cross the border from Turkey erupted anew Friday as European Union foreign ministers took aim at what they called “Turkey’s use of migratory pressure for political purposes.” ...

2270. Fatal stabbing suspect caught in the north

The second suspect in last month’s fatal stabbing in old Nicosia has been arrested in the north two days after he fled the south through the buffer zone...

2271. Checkpoint closures to be extended until Monday

The closure of four crossing points last Saturday, in what the Government said would be a one-week temporary precaution against coronavirus outbreak, will be extended until Monday, the National Council agreed on Thursday....

2272. Over 1300 coronavirus checks performed at airports

Personal hygiene and voluntary restriction of social activities are of the most effective shields against the novel coronavirus, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said on Wednesday in a press conference shared with several medical experts....

2273. Greek forces use tear gas to repel migrants

Greek riot police and troops used water cannon and tear gas on Wednesday against hundreds of migrants as they made another attempt to cross the border from Turkey into Greece....

2274. North to bar entry from 'high-risk' countries

The north will stop accepting people from countries deemed ‘high-risk’ due to the spread of coronavirus, the Bicommunal Technical Committee on Health agreed on Tuesday....

2275. Health services concerned over non-compliance with quarantine instructions

The Epidemiology Unit of the Health Ministry have expressed concern over the non-compliance by Cypriots who had recently travelled to the coronavirus pandemic-hit Italy with instructions to remain under quarantine for 14 days....

2276. Guards use tear gas to disperse hundreds of migrants at Greek-Turkish border

Guards on Greece’s northeastern land border with Turkey made “deterrent use” of tear gas to disperse some 500 refugees and migrants trying to enter the country and the European Union after Ankara loosened controls on migrant flows....

2277. Greek border crackdown amid concerns over Turkey

Greek government sources on Friday stressed that authorities are boosting security at the country’s border following reports that Turkey will no longer stop Syrian refugees from traveling to Europe....

2278. Winds pick up in rainy afternoon

An air mass is forming in low altitudes just north of Cyprus, with strong winds affecting the island along with chances of local showers...

2279. President offers Troodos vacation residence for coronavirus quarantine

State-owned properties in Troodos, including parts of the Presidential summer dwellings, will be provided to host suspected coronavirus carriers in quarantine....

2280. 14 EU countries demand Syria govt, Russia return to 2018 ceasefire deal

Foreign ministers from 14 European countries, including France and Germany, demanded on Wednesday that Syrian government forces and their Russian backers end their offensive in Idlib province and return to the terms of a 2018 ceasefire deal....