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Cypriot dog charms Bristol neighbours

Young lads ‘head over heels’ for next door rescue dog write unusual letter to owners


A kind gesture by four flatmates in England, whose landlord wouldn’t allow pets, paid off big time after they wrote a letter to complete strangers asking if they could spend time with their dog.

Late last year, four young engineers had just moved into an apartment in Bristol, England, where they had to adhere to a no-pets policy. But each time they would come home from work, they kept noticing a black dog staring at the window until they decided last month to write to their neighbours asking if they could spend time with man’s best friend.

"We hope this doesn't come too strong, but our landlord won't allow pets, and we've all grown up with animals. The adult life is a struggle without one," they wrote.

The four friends went on to say that the dog was welcome any time to come over and “brighten their day” while also offering to walk the canine if the owners ever needed some help.

Soon after leaving the letter in their neighbours’ mailbox, they got a response signed on behalf of Stevie Ticks, a two-year old female Sheprador who was rescued in Cyprus.

Stevie, a cross between a German Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever, was rescued in Cyprus and placed at a local dog shelter until she was shipped to her forever home in the UK.

"I love meeting new people and it would be great if we can be friends. I must warn you that the price of my friendship is 5 ball throws a day and belly scratches whenever I demand them," the response letter said, penned by Sarah Tolman and her partner Chris.

Jack McCrossan and his flatmates got to meet Stevie last month and online posts about the neighbourly arrangement started going viral.


"It's honestly felt very surreal seeing how popular the post has been and the thousands of positive responses from everyone!" he told BuzzFeed News.

"She was definitely as energetic as described. We got to take her for a walk and she wouldn't stop running!" McCrossan added.

Cyprus  |  UK  |  England  |  Bristol  |  dog shelter  |  dog pound  |  foster  |  canine  |  Stevie Ticks  |  pet

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