A devastating fire late Tuesday night claimed the lives of a married couple, casting a shadow of sorrow during the holiday season. The victims, identified as Evangelos Vasiliou, 73, and his wife Pantelitsa Vasiliou, 80, were unable to escape their home in Pano Polemidia as flames engulfed the residence.
The fire broke out shortly after 11 p.m., according to a police report. Firefighters arrived swiftly and managed to rescue the couple from the burning house. However, despite their efforts, both were pronounced dead upon arrival at Limassol General Hospital.
A 19-year-old domestic worker who was also in the home at the time of the fire managed to escape without injury, authorities said.
Preliminary investigations revealed that the fire originated in the living room and rapidly spread throughout the house. Officials are conducting further examinations to determine the exact cause of the blaze. Meanwhile, autopsies will be performed to confirm the precise causes of death.
The incident has left the community in shock, as neighbors expressed their grief over the loss of the elderly couple. “It’s a heartbreaking tragedy, especially during the holidays,” said a local resident.
This somber event serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of house fires and the importance of fire safety precautions. For now, the families of the victims are left mourning an unimaginable loss during what should have been a season of joy and togetherness.