Source: CNA
Willingness to compromise on the Cyprus issue is important in order to move forward, German Ambassador to Cyprus, Anke Schlimm, says in an interview published in the Sunday edition of "Politis" newspaper. She also points out that Germany remains committed to resolving the Cyprus issue through bi-communal talks under the auspices of the UN and based on its parameters.
Replying to a question about Germany's role in the Cyprus negotiations, Schlimm emphasises that "Germany remains fully committed to the EU's solidarity with Cyprus and to a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue, i.e. a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council."
"Germany is ready to help and contribute so that everyone on the island gains more trust in each other," she notes, adding that "if this is desired by all parties involved, Germany is ready to support the negotiation process under the auspices of the United Nations."
'Interested states, companies and other market players should reassess how these natural gas resources can be shaped to contribute to energy security that is viable, sustainable and profitable'
Asked about the possibility of the EU’s active participation in future negotiations, without the participation of the UN, the German Ambassador points out that "after the elections in Turkey, the flexibility of all parties involved is important, as well as the willingness to compromise in order to move forward."
Furthermore, she expresses the opinion that the way will be paved by steps oriented towards compromise for the resumption of the process under the auspices of the UN. "Germany, together with other EU member states, is ready to contribute," Schlimm says, pointing out that Germany supports the solution of the Cyprus issue and good neighbourly relations in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Speaking about Eastern Mediterranean natural gas, the German Ambassador indicates that “interested states, companies and other market players should reassess how these natural gas resources can be shaped to contribute to energy security that is viable, sustainable and profitable."
Furthermore, she expresses the belief that energy can become a catalyst for regional cooperation and reconciliation, even in Cyprus, adding that "in this context, renewable energy sources seem to be particularly important."
Regarding the issue of cooperation with Turkey, the German Ambassador points out that "it may have to be put on the table", if the natural gas of the Eastern Mediterranean is to be exploited in an ecologically sustainable way.