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Sunshine, showers, and Kataklysmos fun, without the ark

Celebrating the flood without a deluge but with a perfect long weekend forecast!


Get ready, folks! As we dive into a three-day Kataklysmos weekend, we've got a fun mix of sunshine, light showers, and plenty of seaside festivities. Kataklysmos, which celebrates the mythic floods of Genesis and Greek mythology, promises a splash of fun without washing out your plans. Here’s what you can expect:

Today, the weather's mood is mostly clear, just like your weekend plans (we hope!). But don’t be surprised if a few low clouds crash the coastal party in the morning. By midday, the highlands might host some fluffy white guests turning into isolated rain showers or maybe even a cheeky thunderstorm.

Winds will start from the southeast to southwest, light to moderate at 3 Beaufort. Soon enough, they'll switch gears to southwest to west, still light to moderate at 3 to 4 Beaufort, and on the southern coast, things could get a bit breezy with moderate to strong winds at 4 to 5 Beaufort. The sea will be a tad playful, generally slightly rough. Temperatures will sizzle up to around 39 degrees inland, a cooler 30 degrees on the west coast, 32 degrees elsewhere on the coast, and a refreshing 29 degrees in the highlands.

Tonight's weather forecast

The night will be mostly clear, perfect for some stargazing. However, low clouds might wander along the coast, and by morning, you might see some thin fog or mist waving hello. Winds will shift from northwest to northeast and locally variable, staying light at 3 Beaufort, with the sea calming down to be slightly rough. Temperatures will dip to around 20 degrees inland and along the coast, and a crisp 17 degrees in the higher mountains.

Weekend sneak peek:

Saturday is starting clear and bright, but by midday, the clouds might join the fun again, bringing local showers and the occasional thunderstorm, especially in the highlands. Temperatures will cool down to match average climatic values, so it’s a good day to keep that umbrella handy just in case.

On Sunday, similar vibes with clear mornings give way to cloud-induced showers and potential thunderstorms by afternoon, mostly in the mountains and possibly inland. Temperature-wise, it’s holding steady, staying close to average.

Monday: Kataklysmos magic

Monday wraps up our Kataklysmos celebrations with mostly clear skies and a slight rise in temperatures. While we're celebrating the flood, rest assured, you won't need an ark—just a good sense of humor and maybe an umbrella for those light showers.

So, whether you’re dodging raindrops or basking in the sun, have a fantastic Kataklysmos weekend! Celebrate the renewal and enjoy the blend of ancient myth and modern fun in all our beautiful seaside cities.

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