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Biden gains support from democratic governors

Governors laud Biden’s covid response, stress importance of election win


In a show of unity and support, several Democratic governors expressed their backing for President Joe Biden following a meeting with him. They highlighted their commitment to his leadership and discussed the significance of his administration's accomplishments.

According to a report on The Guardian, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz emphasized the practical concerns shared by many Americans regarding the potential return of former President Donald Trump to office. "We, like many Americans, are worried because the threat of a Trump presidency is not theoretical for governors," Walz stated. He stressed the importance of a clear path to victory in the upcoming November elections, acknowledging Biden's support through various crises. "He has had our backs through Covid, through all of the recovery. The governors have his back. A path to victory in November is the number one priority," Walz affirmed.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore echoed these sentiments, reflecting on the candid discussions held during the meeting. "We were honest about the feedback we’re getting and the concerns we’re hearing from people," Moore said. He reiterated the governors' commitment to supporting Biden, highlighting the tangible results achieved under his administration. "We’re going to have his back. The results we’ve been able to see under this administration have been undeniable. We’re hopeful for the future," Moore added. Despite recognizing the current challenges, he expressed confidence in a viable path to success in November.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul conveyed her optimism about Biden's determination and capabilities. "President Joe Biden is in it to win it, and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the stakes could not be higher," Hochul remarked. She conveyed strong confidence in Biden's leadership and abilities, underscoring the high stakes of the upcoming election.

The governors' remarks underscore a unified front among Democratic state leaders as they rally behind President Biden in anticipation of a critical election season.

[Information sourced from The Guardian]

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