Police in Paphos district arrested a male driver on Thursday after he refused to stop for inspection, prompting officers to fire warning shots in the air.
(Click here for an update to the story)
According to police, Crime Prevention officers in Chloraka were patrolling the streets when they noticed a rental car driven “in a reckless and dangerous” manner.
Police told Knews officers who fired shots acted in compliance with the code of conduct, which allows law enforcement agents to discharge their firearms in case of immediate danger
After police made a signal for the driver to stop, the car reportedly kept moving with the man in the driver’s seat stepping on the accelerator in an attempt to get away.
At that moment, police said, four warning shots were fired in the air in an effort to stop the driver from fleeing the scene.
The driver, described as a 24-year-old local male, was arrested on traffic violations.
Police also said the suspect gave written consent for a vehicle search, with officers discovering 14 grams of cannabis.
The suspect was detained for driving recklessly while a test for narcotics came back positive.
Police told Knews officers who fired shots acted in compliance with the code of conduct, which allows law enforcement agents to discharge their firearms in certain cases of elevated or immediate danger.