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Famagusta delegation confronts Labour Shadow Minister in UN session

Mavrou warns of Turkey's 'malicious plan' in Cyprus showdown

Source: CNA

A meeting to discuss the state of the Cyprus issue was held in London between a Famagusta Association of Great Britain delegation, headed by its President Dr Vassilis Mavrou and the Labour Party’s Shadow Minister for Europe Stephen Doughty.

Dr Mavrou conveyed the Greek Cypriot concerns over Turkey’s actions in the northern part of the island which it occupies since the 1974 invasion.

The Association President spoke of a “malicious plan” by Turkey which includes the gradual extension of its occupation so that it incorporates the UN-managed buffer zone, with the aim of obtaining a “strategic advantage” in the case of a future military conflict.

Dr Mavrou, according to a Famagusta Association press release, also told the Labour Party official about plans and practices similar to “ethnic cleansing” implemented by Turkey against the Greek population in the north, including persecution, human rights violations and restrictions in education.

He also pointed to acts of desecration of religious and other sites of cultural significance to the Greek Cypriots, as well actions of provocation and international law violation.

According to the same press release, Mr Doughty highlighted the long-standing strong ties between the UK and Cyprus.

He commented that as one of the guarantor powers of Cyprus’s sovereignty and independence, Britain should be having an active role in encouraging the two sides to return to the negotiating table on the Cyprus issue, aiming for a peaceful result in line with the UN decisions and resolutions.

The Shadow Minister for Europe also assured the Famagusta Association officials of the Labour Party’s willingness to prioritise Cyprus’s security, sovereignty and prosperity, as well as of his encouragement towards Turkish officials to engage positively in the dialogue for a bizonal, bicommunal federation in a reunified Cyprus, as set out in the UN Security Council resolutions.

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