12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 160 matches for query Mali.

31. U.S. military emails accidentally sent to Mali

A small spelling error has resulted in thousands of emails intended for the U.S. military being sent instead to Mali, an issue that Pentagon officials said they've taken steps to mitigate....

32. Huw Edwards named as BBC's scandal wrought presenter

The BBC is caught up in a scandal, but its reporters are not holding back in covering it....

33. From ''lovers'' to ''doctors'': Cyprus confronts rising online fraud

Cyprus is witnessing a significant annual increase in online fraud cases, according to Andreas Anastasiades, the Director of the Electronic Crime Sub-Directorate. ...

34. New cat feeders enhance stray welfare in Strovolos

Modern feeders for stray kittens found shelter along the Pedieos River have been installed in Linear Park Strovolos. ...

35. Wagner mutiny exposes the fragile balance in Putin's regime

The Wagner mutiny, which lasted less than 24 hours, was the result of a toxic mix of jealousy, rivalry, and ambition that had been brewing for months....

36. The 'holiday scam': Protecting yourself when booking online

An increasing number of individuals are opting to plan their vacations online, a trend that, as observed in previous years, carries potential risks and pitfalls. ...

37. Neither crime nor accident ruled out in Russian fire in Cyprus

Cypriot media reported this week that a fire at the Russian Cultural Center in Nicosia was not the result of a criminal act, but police headquarters on Thursday clarified that while no evidence of arson had been found in their investigation, neither crime nor accident have been ruled out by the department...

38. Sanctions have exposed our hypocrisy

The initial wave of sanctions, enforced by the UK and the US against Cypriot entities (individuals, law firms, service companies) for facilitating transactions to those impacted by the sanctions imposed on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine,...

39. Moscow hopes Russian fire probe leaves nothing out

Moscow says it is still waiting for official conclusions on what caused the fire at the Russian cultural center in Nicosia last month, with local media saying Cypriot officials were leaning towards an accident but no report has been finalized...

40. New law in Cyprus to criminalize malicious complaints

Cypriot Justice Minister Anna Koukkides-Procopiou is determined to go after vexed accusers with new legislation on malicious complaints, but she says victims of illegal acts should not be discouraged from coming forward...

41. Cypriot ex-president denies interfering in soccer probe

Former president Nicos Anastasiades, who has denied accusations that he unlawfully interfered in a soccer match-fixing probe, engaged in a back-and-forth with his accuser after he dropped the bombshell firsthand account allegations during a public podcast...

42. Russian fire incident report delayed

Officials in Cyprus have postponed their findings on the fire at the Russian center in Nicosia, after a chemical report requested by the fire department was delayed, leaving room for speculation about the blaze as well as the overall investigation...

43. Russian officials attempt to link cultural centre fire to malicious activity

According to the competent authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, the fire that broke out at the Russian Cultural Centre on Wednesday afternoon was determined to be caused by human error, specifically by a cigarette lighter. ...

44. Hacked data from Cyprus up for grabs on darknet

Encrypted folders with stolen information from Open University of Cyprus may be available on the dark web, where data brokers and identity thieves can now buy access to private information of students and staff after the institution failed to pay ransom...

45. Easter leaves two fires and three minor injuries in Cyprus

The Cyprus Police reported two incidents of arson and malicious damage to two schools in Nicosia during this year's Easter season. The police stated that two fires caused "unpleasant" incidents, but the measures taken worked satisfactorily....

46. Cyber gang badgers Cypriot university to cough up $100K$100k

The notorious Medusa ransomware gang is asking for $100,000 from Open University of Cyprus following a cyberattack on the institution’s digital platforms, with data samples already leaked online to prove they are not kidding...

47. Second driver in fatal double hit and run sentenced

A man who was found guilty of manslaughter in a double hit and run fatality in Paphos was sentenced to six years in prison on Tuesday, with police still unable to locate the first car that struck the local woman unconscious...

48. Leaked Pentagon docs prompt ally denials

A large cache of what appear to be classified Pentagon documents circulating on social media channels is becoming a growing source of anxiety for US intelligence agencies, as numerous allies have been forced into denials over the purported leaks....

49. Cyprus University's IT department foils cyber attack

An attempted cyber attack against the University of Cyprus, which took place in the early hours of Thursday, was foiled by competent authorities without being able to cause any damage, according to a first estimate, as University services were able to cut off the system and prevent the "worst case scenario" from materializing....

50. The four-legged heroes who 'sniff out' life in Turkey's ruins

The battle in recent days in the rubble of areas of Turkey and Syria devastated by the earthquake has been uneven. The death toll has exceeded 15,000 in both countries and time is "running out"....

51. They know Europe, do we?

All three leading candidates made several references to the role of the European Union in many issues during the RIK televised debate on Wednesday, as well as in interviews on television, radio, and online shows....

52. Less Painful, More Accurate Mammograms?! What Took So Long?

Welcome to Wells $treet! If you know anything about me, you know I like an offbeat business story. So when I scheduled my annual mammogram this year, I thought, “Isn’t there a better, more comfortable way to do this? Can’t someone disrupt this industry? Doesn’t anyone care?”...

53. WhatsApp given green light to sue Pegasus spyware company

The US Supreme Court on Monday let Meta Platforms Inc’s WhatsApp pursue a lawsuit accusing Israel’s NSO Group of exploiting a bug in the WhatsApp messaging app to install spy software allowing the surveillance of 1,400 people, including journalists, human rights activists and dissidents....

54. More EU Parliament offices raided in corruption probe

Belgian police conducted more raids at European Parliament offices Monday as the legislature’s president pledged to launch an internal investigation into corruption allegations and the bloc’s top official called for the creation of an EU-wide independent ethics body...

55. North releases video of rogue driver incident

A Greek Cypriot man accused of driving through a Turkish Cypriot checkpoint barricade says his car was shot at during the incident, with authorities in the north releasing video footage and prosecutors saying the suspect was being uncooperative...

56. The first 'Mountain Agriculture of Troodos' products have hit the market

Another innovative project led by the Cyprus Institute is taking shape, with the introduction of the first fruits and vegetables bearing the quality label "Mountain Agriculture Troodos" to the market....

57. Sean Penn loans his Oscar to Zelenskiy in a symbolic gesture

Hollywood actor and director Sean Penn, sanctioned by Russia for criticizing its war in Ukraine, loaned his Oscar statuette to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a visit to Kyiv on Tuesday....

58. Initial PEGA report - Cyprus is an appealing destination for spy goods

59. 'Wild World' singer Yusuf Islam, aka Cat Stevens, urges Erdogan not to abandon peace in his 'fatherland' of Cyprus

Last week, Turkiye welcomed one of music’s most iconic stars, singer-songwriter Yusuf Islam. The artist was performing a series of fundraising concerts in Istanbul and Ankara, with President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and his wife, First Lady Emine Erdoğan attending the event in the Turkish capital....

60. Officers probed after arrests in Paphos migration unit

Police union officials are crying foul over an independent inquiry that has been launched to investigate a complaint following the arrest of a Syrian family last week at a district migration office in Paphos...