History is written by the achievements of people, and one of them is Nikos Galis, the President of the Republic, Nikos Anastasiadis said Monday...
The producers and director of the film Jiu Jitsu are suing the Republic of Cyprus, the Auditor General, the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency and a television station for compensation in excess of 30 million euros...
The Greek government confirmed on Monday that former European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, will head the newly formed Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Ministry...
A heat warning remains in effect in Cyprus with temperature highs expected to reach 41 degrees for the remainder of the workweek, as strong winds also continue to affect the island...
A yellow warning went into effect on Friday with maximums reaching 40 degrees inland, but a feel factor could vary across different areas due to afternoon wind activity and humidity levels...
A local biker was killed in Limassol on Saturday after he lost control of his motorcycle and went flying into the air, with witnesses saying he was popping wheelies before the crash and police not ruling out dangerous motorist behavior...
A young man is in critical condition after having his leg amputated on Tuesday, following a crash in Limassol where he collided with a vehicle that was reportedly attempting to make a right turn...
The circumstances under which an elderly driver was killed in a road incident on Wednesday remained unknown, with police saying the incident was pending investigation...
A pedestrian was killed in a traffic accident on Sunday marking the second road fatality over the weekend, while two others were arrested in separate road incidents in Paphos and Limassol...
A court in Athens announced on Thursday that the entire leadership of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn will be jailed, after rejecting a proposal by the prosecutor who opined that their sentences should be suspended pending their appeal....
A local biker was killed in an accident in Limassol over the weekend, with police saying human factors played a primary role in the road victim’s fatal fall into a ditch...
A young mother was killed in a horrible accident on Monday morning, after a car driven by her boyfriend veered off the road and crushed into a retaining wall...
Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has called for an emergency meeting following a number of arrivals of undocumented migrants over the weekend, with some of them transported back to Lebanon and others facing the prospect of crowding into an already maxed-out facility...
The pickup truck driver, who was transporting steel pipes that ended up fatally striking a truck driver, will most likely be charged with causing another person's death through reckless behavior as well as carrying an unsecured load...
A man from Limassol was killed Monday morning in a traffic accident following a collision with a bulldozer...
Three brothers have been arrested in connection with Sunday’s murder in Limassol, including a sibling who is not of legal age...
Police are following a number of leads in Sunday’s murder in Limassol, focusing on a number of crucial search warrants and private phone data...
Police are learning more details but also having more questions about the final hours of a Limassol man, who was gunned down while in his vehicle during a suspected drugland hit...
A biker, father of two, was killed in Limassol on Friday after his way was blocked by another car trying to make an illegal right turn...
Two communities have stepped up to the plate to signal their readiness to welcome refugee unaccompanied minors following recent protests in Zygi, but state officials insist on original location due to approved funding...
A recent protest in Zygi by local residents, who object to having a refugee centre for unaccompanied minors in the area, has deeply divided the community and sparked debate beyond village boundaries...
Travelers who were scheduled to fly back on Cypriot carrier Cobalt Air will have to get their own one-way return tickets, following a company decision to ground all its flights...
A minivan that was involved in the fatal accident where two Egyptian men were killed Tuesday caught fire at the police pound around midnight...
On 3 September 2018, the organizers of the 2nd Cyprus Open Data Hackathon held an Info Day for the competition at the premises of ARIS in Limassol...
Traffic police say there will be road closures in Nicosia on Tuesday late afternoon due to a scheduled teacher demonstration where thousands of educators are expected to join...
Survivors of last month’s deadly blazes on the outskirts of Attica are struggling to cope while experts are warning of the public health risks posed by toxic ash in the afflicted areas, Kathimerini has learned....