12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 181-210 of 972 matches for query temperature.

181. Showers, clear nights, and mild days

The weather forecast for today suggests intermittent clouds with a chance of isolated showers and even thunderstorms, primarily in the mountainous areas and the north....

182. Slightly cooler temperatures in store

A weak low-pressure system is impacting the region, leading to fluctuating weather conditions. Residents can expect a mix of cloud cover and isolated precipitation in the coming days....

183. Dust and showers in the forecast

Today, Tuesday, the weather in our region promises a mix of conditions. Expect partly cloudy skies with the presence of occasional sparse dust in the atmosphere. ...

184. Cloudy skies and scattered showers

A fluctuating weather pattern is forecasted for the region, as a weak high-pressure system exerts its influence. This system will bring intermittent sparse dust into the atmosphere, impacting the daily weather conditions. ...

185. High clouds and intermittent dust

A loose low-pressure system is making its presence felt in the region, leading to a mix of weather conditions. Intermittent thin dust particles will be observed in the atmosphere, affecting visibility and air quality. ...

186. Calm skies, mild winds

Weak high pressure has settled in over our area, ushering in a relatively calm weather pattern....

187. High pressure set to brighten your day

Today, a gentle touch of high pressure is gracing our skies, promising a day filled with abundant sunshine and pleasant conditions. The atmosphere may occasionally tease us with sparse dust, but overall, the weather is expected to be mostly clear. ...

188. Steady sunshine and sparse dust

Today, on the 24th of October, the weather in our region promises clear skies and the occasional presence of sparse dust particles in the atmosphere....

189. Clear weather and rising mercury

The Meteorological Service is forecasting a week of clear skies and rising temperatures across the region. ...

190. A weekend of weather wonders

A shift in atmospheric conditions is set to influence the weather in our area as weak high pressure makes its presence felt....

191. From sun to showers, what lies ahead

Unpredictable weather patterns have taken hold of the region, as a weak low-pressure system and unstable atmospheric conditions bring varying conditions over the coming days....

192. Clouds bring isolated rain

In a comprehensive weather forecast, the Meteorological Service anticipates an evolving weather pattern that will affect regions in the west and northeast, with the potential for isolated rain or thunderstorms....

193. Sunny start, stormy end

Local weather forecasts are predicting a mixed bag of conditions in the days ahead. On Monday, October 16th, some areas may experience small showers or even brief storms. ...

194. Ready for a weather rollercoaster this weekend?

Today, residents and visitors can expect a blend of weather conditions. ...

195. Weather takes a cooler turn

The weather forecast for Cyprus presents a day of changing conditions, with clear skies to start and the possibility of isolated showers and thunderstorms later in the day....

196. Heavy rainfall and power outages amidst thunderstorms today

Heavy rainfall was observed in various areas of Cyprus on Wednesday afternoon (11/10). The Meteorological Service has issued a yellow warning for thunderstorms possibly accompanied by hail....

197. Thunderstorms to rumble across the island

198. Rain and sunshine expected

Today's weather promises a mix of conditions, keeping residents and travelers on their toes. According to the Meteorological Service, isolated showers and the possibility of brief thunderstorms are anticipated, primarily in mountainous regions, the interior, and the northeast....

199. Showers and thunderstorms expected

Cyprus is preparing for isolated showers and the possibility of thunderstorms on Monday (09/10), primarily in the northern regions, mountainous areas, and the interior, according to the latest forecast from the Meteorological Service....

200. Over 140 abandoned cats found in Abu Dhabi desert

A group of United Arab Emirates residents has found more than 140 cats dumped in a desert lot in the capital Abu Dhabi, in a phenomenon that has drawn criticism from international animal rights organizations and prompted a government investigation....

201. Deadly mirage for birds with over 1,000 fatal collisions in a single day

In a grim escalation of tensions, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have accused Hamas of taking "hostages and prisoners of war," according to Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari, the IDF spokesperson....

202. Prada's cosmic couture - Luxury designer to create fashion-forward space suits

Nasa astronauts will be flying in style, with luxury fashion designer Prada helping design space suits for the 2025 Moon mission....

203. Shift in conditions expected over the weekend

The weather forecast indicates changes in the coming days. Today, it will mainly be sunny, with some increased cloud cover in the afternoon over mountainous regions....

204. Keep an umbrella handy!

In the region today, the influence of a weakening high-pressure system is making its presence felt, resulting in a diverse weather pattern....

205. From sunny skies to rainy surprises

The day is set to begin with predominantly clear skies, although residents may notice localized areas of increased cloud cover. As the day progresses, especially during the midday hours and beyond, cloud formations are forecasted to develop....

206. Island braces for thunderstorms

The Meteorological Service has issued a yellow warning for today, effective from 10 AM until 6 PM, indicating potential weather disruptions on the horizon....

207. Buckle up for a day of thunderstorms, hail, and fun in the sky!

Hey there, weather enthusiasts! It's time for a dose of weather fun! Today, we've got a yellow warning in the house, and it's all set to paint the skies with excitement from 11:00 am until 4:00 pm....

208. French ski resort shuts down forever

Due to the effects of global warming that have led to a lack of snow, a ski resort in the French Alps, La Sambuy, has decided to cease operations permanently....

209. Skyline set to sizzle at 30°C°c

Today, Cyprus anticipates scattered showers along with varying temperatures across the island. The atmosphere will also experience sporadic dust concentrations....

210. Unpredictable conditions ahead

The atmospheric drama unfolds over the Mediterranean, Cyprus finds itself under the influence of a weak low-pressure area....